Page 151 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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 The Regional Rehabilitation Unit (RRU) Aldergrove is situated off the rugged and beautiful Antrim coastline made famous by The Giants’ Causeways and, more recently, The Game of Thrones.
Flying Station Aldergrove has been the home of the RRU since 1999 and has been providing rehabilitation to Service Personnel (SP) worldwide.
The first Regional Trade Specialist Advisors (RTSA) to be posted into the RRU was WO1 (SMI) P Molloy, who held the position for over 5 years. Since then, there have been 6 other RTSAs who have taken up the post evolving the ERI cadre to continually enhance the service provided to meet the demands of SP and Units with Northern Ireland. Legends who have served at the RRU as the RTSA are WO2 (QMSI) M Hall, C Hughes, D Cox, P Martin, L Graham and myself, soon to be taken over by the newly promoted SSgt (SSI) A Brown who will be coming in as the new RTSA in Jun 22 from 30 Sigs.
Since the opening of the RRU, 2020 – 22 will go down in history as the year that COVID hit, stopping the way we normally operate and conduct our business. All members of the RRU and PCRFs were put on standby to be re-rolled as COVID vaccinators in the COVID centres. This also saw my role being split between RTSA business and acting as the WO in charge of the DPHC Swabbing Co-ord Cell delivering asymptomatic testing for deploying troops worldwide.
2021 also marked the end of an era with Sgt (SI) S Coleman leaving the RRU, RAPTC and Army after 16 years’ service.
25199350 Sgt (SI) Si Coleman (RAPTC) enlisted in the Army in Jan 05, he completed his phase 1 training at ATR Bassingbourn and then went onto to complete his phase 2 training with the Royal Engineers, completing the electrician course in 06. He was assigned to his first Unit 38 Engineer Regiment in 06 based at Ripon, Yorkshire as a Sapper. Due to his amazing footballing talent, he was selected to represent the Corps of Royal Engineers football team in 06. In 06 he deployed to Iraq on Op TELIC 9, however, as he was under 18 years old, the OC had to write to his parents for “parental approval” for this tour. After his first operational tour to Iraq, the Regiment moved from Ripon to Masseerene Barracks, Northern Ireland in 08. In 2010, he deployed to Afghanistan on his second operational tour on Op HERRICK 10 under the Brigade Recce Force. Post tour he was subsequently assigned to Royal Engineers Phase 2 Training in Chatham as a Training Regiment PTI. He successfully passed RAPTC Selection in 2013 and successfully transferred to the RAPTC in 2014. Completing the ERI Course Dec
Sgt (SI) L Hampson inside RRU Aldergrove
  14 he was assigned to PCRF Blandford Jan 15, and subsequently assigned to PCRF Lisburn July 15 then to PCRF Holywood 17. He was assigned to RRU Aldergrove in Aug 20 then finally walking out of Flying Station Aldergrove on 14 Dec 21. Sgt (SI) L Hampson has been posted in from the JSSERI course in Jan 22.
Sgt (SI) L Hampson explains the light is at the end of the tunnel. Normality is within grasp after a very difficult number of years for all due to the pandemic. However, we have all stayed resilient within these times of hardship and stuck together as a team, especially within the RRU.
The team at RRU Aldergrove has seen numerous changes within the last 12 months in terms of personnel, locating the administration within a new infrastructure and development of course delivery to ensure the patients are provided with the best possible care.
Within the last couple of years on this journey to the RAPTC, I’ve been very fortunate and proud to have been involved in several highly skilled and motivated teams within a very short space of time since transferring, which drives personal and continuous professional development.
These teams have been fundamental in my own development; from the RAPTC Course where unfortunately mid-course we stepped into lockdown and like many we had to work from home for many months. We resumed and continued with the hunger and desire to transfer. On completion of the course, we all set off on our individual journeys, one which I had the honour and privilege to be assigned to the Infantry Training Centre as a Syndicate Leader, this would only be for a temporary basis whilst waiting to attend the ERI Course at the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre Stanford Hall. My Syndicate set out with a clear goal to continue to provide education and develop physically and mentally robust Infantry soldiers. Despite the difficulties faced within the Pandemic, I’m immensely proud to have been part of that team of men and women.
On completion of JSSERI Course 223 in Dec 20 and after a long but highly rewarding journey for all, I have had the pleasure of joining the team here at RRU Aldergrove, Northern Ireland.
The team has been working immensely hard continuing to provide care to those that require it. This has been accomplished by reducing the course to six participants through a three-week syllabus using a trickle feeding method of delivery. Elements of the course require e-Learning and Patients can complete this from the comfort of their own homes or SLA, this was designed to allow maximum utilisation of the Gymnasium with minimum potential to contract or spread COVID-19 to fellow course members or staff.
 Warrior Fitness Officiating: Sgt (SI) S Coleman, WO2 (QMSI) S McKnight and WO2 (QMSI) R Hughes getting wet whilst officiating

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