Page 154 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 154
Regional Rehabilitation Unit (RRU) Catterick serves a Population At Risk (PAR) of approximately 20,000 tri -service personnel within the North Region, providing face-to-face
residential rehabilitation courses, MIAC, ESWT and Podiatry. All services have been sustained throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, this is due to the professionalism, innovation and resilience of the civilian and military team who have been highly motivated and focused on providing the best services possible.
Throughout 21/22 opportunities to develop the infrastructure, i.e., air-conditioning within the strength and conditioning suite and a storeroom conversion to a patient restroom have been submitted for approval. Equipment improvements include a smart screen, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine and a full blue-tooth sound system being installed.
With the recommencement of many sports/competitions, Sgt (SI) (Luke) MacDonald has competed (strutted his stuff) in the NPA Yorkshire bodybuilding show placing third and has recently joined the RAPTC basketball team.
Sgt (SI) (Jenna) McGrevey competed at the London Marathon achieving first female (Army Marathon Championships), second in the Interservices and 34th overall in a time of 2:52:01.
The RAPTC sent a team to take part in the Cyprus four-day Challenge, Jenna achieved first female overall (Individual race times: 6km road race 22:00, 11km Hill Run 1:01:47, Trail Half Marathon 1:32:35; 10km city run 38:26 with a cumulative time of 3:34:49. First female team (RAPTC).
The RRU continues to organise the regional In-Service Training (IST) and accepts both JSSERI and physiotherapy students for training/development placements. The OC (Capt Holton RAMC (Robyn)) has formed a collaboration with the University of Leeds enabling the RRU to gain access to the MSc in SEM Resources. This can be used for CPD and provides an opportunity to upskill the clinicians. Each physiotherapist student who attends a placement completes an assignment during their time at the RRU which then bolsters the current IST and RIST programme.
Regional RAPTC ERIs have continued service delivery both virtually and face-to-face. SSgt (SSI) Williams (Chris) at PCRF Catterick continues to provide patient exercise therapy classes and individual exercise programmes for a significant PAR of 3000+, overcoming the restrictions of limited infrastructure by utilising the RRU Catterick sports hall, strength and conditioning suite and local
RAPTC Women’s Team – Day 4 of Cyprus Challenge
Sgt McGrevey at the Start of the London Marathon
mainstream facilities. ERIs considering PCRF Catterick as a future assignment have a lot to look forward to, within one to two years the unit are moving to the purpose built Catterick Integrated Care Campus (CICC) in 2024. SSgt (SSI) Spencer (Andy) and Charlton (Bobby) at Harrogate PCRF have been heavily involved with Op ATHENA, an AFC initiative to improve the physical standards and resilience of female Junior Soldiers. Delivered by the ‘Bio-Psycho- Social’ model, utilising coaching, self-development strategies and physical training. Sgt (SI) Haase (Steve) has settled back into his ERI ways after posting to PCRF Dishforth and has built solid relationships with Units within his area of responsibility.
Looking forward, the restructuring and standardisation of RRU courses is well underway, Luke is scheduled to deploy on OP CABRIT in September 2022. Jenna is completing the LEJOG 22, she and another eleven RAPTCI’s will attempt to break the world record time of 114hrs and 2mins by completing a relay run from Lands’ End to John O’Groats.
WO2 (QMSI) A Roberts RAPTC