Page 178 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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    Inter Services / Inter Corps & Inter Unit Standard Distance Triathlon at Lake 32 in the Cotswolds Waterpark
incorporated the Inter Services event. We headed to the sunny Cotswold water park for the beautiful lake swim, flat bike and a 3-lap perimeter run around the lake. It was a packed-out event and the first Inter Corps event ever to reach maximum capacity. Unfortunately, most of the team were also at maximal capacity of Vo2. Although every athlete gave their absolute best on the day, we were beaten by the Infantry team in the Inter Corps competition. However, 6 RAPTCIs represented the Army and secured the Inter Services title.
One last surprise up Stu’s sleeve to end the season was a Festival of Sport. It consisted of 3 endurance events. Event 1 - a 10-mile bike time trial. Event 2 - a duathlon; consisting of a 2-mile run then 9.25-mile bike, another 2-mile run then to finish with a final 9.25- mile bike! Event 3 - a flat out 10km Run. If you completed all three events, you earned the title of “Gladiators”
Outstanding Individual achievements
Sgt (SI) Littlewood (Sam) and Sgt (SI) Thomas (Tommo) completed the Mumbles Middle Distance Triathlon; a rolling sea swim, gruelling 1400m elevation bike route, hills and more hills followed by a beautiful bay run.
A win for SSgt (SSI) S Lingwood RAPTC
Sam taking his first ever ribbon with the overall win and setting a new course record of 4hr 38 Mins. In Tommo’s first season competing at triathlon and he smashed out his first Half Distance on a very hard course.
Sgt (SI) Jones (Nezza) competed Ironman UK in Bolton dubbed the hilliest Ironman course in an amazing time of 11hr 33 Min. This placed her 2nd in age category and 6th female overall. She ran some of the marathon with fellow Army Triathlon team member and professional triathlete Capt Kat Matthews (RAMC) it was an amazing sight to witness 2 strong female athletes representing the Army on the world stage.
SSgt (SSI) Buckley (Andy) Completed the Yorkshire Duathlon, an undulating course for the bike and mixed tarmac and grassed terrain for the run. Andy completed this course in a very respectable 1 Hr 13 Min, placing 19th in his age group.
SSgt (SSI) Woolridge (Danny) & SSgt (SSI) Hanson (Matt) competed in the UK Ultimate Half in the Midlands. Matt placed 7th Overall in 4hr 42min and Danny placed 31st Overall in 5hr 1min. Nice Lake swim, rolling bike route and a mixed terrain run, both achieved PBs.
   Major (MAA) Willie Wilson supporting the team - still smiling, even with a broken arm and fractured shoulder,
SSgt (SSI) Andy Buckley – Need for speed SSgt (SSI) Hanson & SSgt (SSI) Woolridge - UK Ultimate Triathlon

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