Page 192 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 192
Dave & Caz Smith, Dave Boocock, Dee Kerridge, Lyn Higgs, Pete & Jennifer Macdonald
we were joined by serving and retired members of the RAPTC RFC, who helped swell the numbers attending to 32 people. We commenced the evening with a social gathering before tucking into a mixed array of food whilst continuing with our catch ups and tales of yesteryear before retiring, at a late hour for some, whilst others sampled the delights of the Blackpool nightlife!
The major points from the AGM this year was the appointment of new members to the committee and a re-shuffle of some of the appointments The new appointments were Capt (MAA) M Arthur RAPTC taking over as Treasurer, whilst Lt Col (Retd) Appleby assumed the Secretary’s duties as well as the Chairman’s role. Steve Lancashire remains as the gatekeeper to the NW Branch Facebook page, whilst Danny Bryant and Dave Redding were voted in as members of the committee. The Bingo ladies (Dot Goulding, Cath Bryant, and Barbara Redding) were also acknowledged as key members of the committee. Furthermore, it was agreed to combine the Reunion Gala Dinner with the RAPTC RFC Rugby club reunion dinner to the NW Branch reunion. On the successful conclusion of the AGM we collected our partners and went across to the Chester Suite for our Reunion Gala & Rugby Dinner. The numbers for which had slightly decreased due to COVID cancellations during the week prior to the dinner and only 52 members eventually attending from a return of 70.
On conclusion of the four-course dinner and toasts, the SMAA addressed those attending, thanking them for their attendance and updating them on the Corps. After which we conducted the draw for Dot’s Ladies prize before concluding with the traditional Blackpool Raffle. Followed by catching up with everyone and in some cases dancing the rest of the evening away. A very successful combined reunion weekend for young and old despite COVID!!
Christmas Dinner – Dec 21. On Tue 7 Dec, 35 Association members gathered at the Grand Hotel Blackpool for our annual Christmas dinner. A traditional Christmas fayre was the menu with a few members choosing an alternative. Some members came up the night before and enjoyed the Blackpool illuminations as well as the local Bingo halls. Santa Claus (Father Christmas) did pay a fleeting visit to pass a few presents onto certain members!!
John & Ruth McGonigle Jnr, John & Cath McGonigle Snr, Eddie & Pat Mcminn, Peter & Pauline Howarth
Kane Mortimer & Matthew Webb, Ray Herd, Rea & Mary Rutherford, Dennis & Barbara William
Passing’s to the Big Gym in the Sky. Over the year we have sadly bade farewell to 2 staunch members of the Branch. The first was our oldest attending function member, Peter Wardle, who sadly passed away on 15 Oct 21 after a brave fight with cancer. The Service was held at Carleton Crematorium on Thu 11 Nov 21 in the presence of family and friends with a standard party being present from the NW Branch.
In March, we said a sad farewell to a former Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and one of the founder members of the NW Branch Association Maj (Retd) Terrence (Terry) Goulding. He passed in his sleep on 3 March 2022 after a very short fight with Cancer. There are insufficient superlatives to describe the impact Terry had on this branch and he will be sorely missed by us all. A friend, mentor and all-round good bloke. RIP Tel.
My sincere thanks to all those personnel who attended any of our functions and we look forward to welcoming you all, along with any newcomers to next year’s functions in order to enjoy the sights and sounds of Blackpool, Fleetwood, Cleverley’s and Lytham St Anne’s.
Sheff Appleby, Jason Hughes (SMAA), Dave Tony Winterbottom, Pete & Lesley Harburn, Geoff & Geoff Chapman, Dave Boocock, Jason Hughes (SMAA), Hyslop & Di Stephenson, Shaun & Jo Carey Shelley Chapman Harry Barrow & Margret Wignall Sheff Appleby, Kane Mortimer & Stephen Burnell