Page 33 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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Blandford Garrison is the home of the Royal Signals, which has a plethora of units on site, including HQ Defence School of Communication and Information Systems (DSCIS), 11th
(Royal School of Signals) Signal Regiment, Blandford Garrison Support Unit (BGSU) – which sit under DSCIS (and RAF command), 13 Signal Regiment (13SR) which sits under HQ 6th United Kingdom Division, and 280 NATO Signal Squadron (280 Sig Sqn) which is a NATO signal squadron held @R2 readiness. The Commandant of DSCIS is late Royal Signals and is an OF 5, who has the additional role as Head of Establishment (HoE) / Garrison Commander and works to Defence College of Technical Training (DCTT) up to AOC 22Gp RAF. The complexities of the Garrison and the twin Top-Level Budget (TLB) dynamic is complex and training governance and assurance (from a PD point of view), at times is interesting.
The 11th (Royal School of Signals) Signal Regiment (11SR) is the Phase 2 (Initial Trade Training – ITT) and Phase 3 training (Subsequent Trade Training – STT) Regiment. The Garrison has over 2500 Soldiers, Officers and Civil-Servants and an established RAPTC team in Capt (MAA) B R Sweatman, WO2 (QMSI) S Turner, SSgt (SSI) J Peters and Sgt (SI) J Salmons. Since arriving, the team have seized every opportunity to exploit areas that required developing across the Garrison, whilst the pandemic has suppressed most Physical Development activities across the site. The reinvigoration of Regimental sport has seen the culmination of the first Regimental Boxing event since 2018, offering training to over 100 ITTs in the process.
NHS Staff Emergency Games. On Sat 25 Sep 21, SSgt (SSI) Peters RAPTC and members of the P&RTC organised and delivered a Park Run and Indoor Potted Sports competition for members of the NHS & supporting staff. The aim of this event was to boost morale, build team spirit and to have a fun day in a military environment. In total, 72 NHS Staff within the Dorset County region from Poole, Bournemouth, Dorchester, Salisbury, and A&E ambulance services attended.
Blandford Garrison Health Fair (BGHF). On Wed 16 Feb 22, SSgt (SSI) Peters RAPTC planned and organised the annual Garrison Health Fair. The aim of the BGHF was to provide an array of information specific to the four “Pillars of Health” to those that work within the Garrison, as well as provide information for Phase 2 trainees, Permanent Staff (PS), Civil Servants (CS) and military dependants from within the Garrison grounds.
Gordons Cup Military Skills Competition. Each year 11SR compete within the Gordons Cup; a military skills competition predominantly aimed at Phase 2 soldiers and PS. Members of the
Sgt (SI) J Salmons RAPTC
 P&RTC hosted and entered the final event of tackling the obstacle course alongside a team stretcher race.
Harrogate Cup. Throughout the year the P&RTC host a series of sporting events in which Phase 2 soldiers compete within their respective troops to earn points towards winning the Harrogate Cup. The Cup comprises of events ranging from: Football, Swimming and Athletics to Volleyball, Rounders and British Army Warrior Fitness (BAWF). The events are a great way for trainee soldiers to enhance their team working abilities and leadership whilst in a team captain position, as well as provide the AAPTI’s a chance at first hand experience of executing a large-scale event.
P&RTC Staff Competing. With the reintroduction of live, in person sporting events being able to happen once again Army wide, members of the 11SR BAWF team have put in a great performance throughout this year’s South Region series. As well as walking away with podium finishes, they have also incorporated Phase 2 soldiers within the teams to compete and gain exposure into wider regional level competitions.
Since the decline of COVID-19, Overseas Sports Visits have been able to flourish once again throughout the Army. This enabled 11SR
     (Left to right) BGSU – Capt (MAA) B R Sweatman RAPTC, P&RTC – WO2 (QMSI) S Turner RAPTC, P&RTC – SSgt (SSI) J Peters RAPTC and P&RTC – Sgt (SI) J Salmons RAPTC

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