Page 41 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 41
SSgt (SSI) L Brimble RAPTC
Another fantastic year out here in the glorious weather. Time truly does fly by and I have now been here for 20 months. It’s now time to start preparing to move back to UK this year but I am sure someone else and their family will get the opportunity to experience and enjoy this lovely country as much as I have.
I have found that not only is Cyprus important strategically, but I’ve really noticed how important it is for the retention of Service Personnel. Since COVID-19 has started to relax there has been a constant stream of sports tours, Adventurous Training, visits and training exercises out here.
Episkopi gymnasium underwent a large renovation replacing the gym sports hall flooring and all Strength and Conditioning areas. WO2 (QMSI) Wood started the project back in 2020 and I helped push it over the finish line. The project cost approximately €150,000.
Sports has almost completely returned to normal here. Cyprus has many sporting opportunities for those here to enjoy. I was tasked to organise the annual British Forces Cyprus Bay2Bay event which took part on Fri 23 July 21. This event is one of the most popular events in BFC’s sporting events calendar. The event is a 1 nautical mile open water swimming challenge starting from Lemmings Beach and finishing at Episkopi Military Training Wing (MTW) Tunnel Beach. The event aims to offer a unique, adventurous and fun swimming challenge to the BFC community that embodies the British Military ethos. 124 swimmers took part in the event. Swimmers could enter in one of the three categories which were Elite, intermediate and beginner.
Result for the event were:
Episkopi Station Gymnasium
Male 16-21 Male 22-39 Male 40+ Female 16-21 Female 22-39 Female 40+
James Galley
Justin Craig Christofis Hadjikypris Cerys Lee
Emma Meechan Anne Hamilton
Gym Hall Pre-Renovation
Gym Hall Post-Renovation
SSgt (SSI) L Brimble RAPTC and family