Page 44 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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   their feet. Sadly, the British weather soon followed them within a matter of days, temperatures were hovering above freezing and torrential rain had turned the airfield into a quagmire. Despite the conditions, the GSF excelled, taking every opportunity to engage in training not available on conventional exercises. A lull in flying, provided junior members of the groundcrew, (under the tutelage of a crewman), to conduct several lessons on FARP force protection.
During this year’s Ski season 1 AAC introduced personnel to ski racing during Ex EAGLE SKI. Ex TIGER PISTE provided a chance for novice and amateur skiers to gain SF1 & SF2 Qualifications. Competing against the other Regiments in racing giving plenty of opportunity for integration between the Corps. Throughout the week Regiments were mixed into skiing ability groups but when it came to the competition, 1 Regiment were back together, with one goal in mind. Capt Pizzoni took home best female racer, and in doing so secured the Regiment 4th place. Looking forward to the next season the Corps has now had opportunity to scout racers and qualify its personnel for future Expeditions as well as Races.
A great way to end a busy year, with plenty of opportunities to socialise and for younger members to gain experience in preparation for an already packed FOE.
Members of 661 Sqn, with SSgt Holder far left
  3Regiment Army Air Corps have worked tirelessly throughout the year in order to complete a smooth transition from the Apache Attack Helicopter (AH) AH-64
to the new AH-64 E model. Unit Personnel have been involved in numerous Exercises around the world, including 662 Sqn who deployed on Ex TALON MINERVA 21-2 which was designed to test Sqn level planning cycles, integrated CP Survivability and Manoeuvrability. The final phase of the Ex saw members of 662 Sqn breakdown into patrol teams and complete an arduous route against a backdrop of the picturesque yet unforgiving Dartmoor training area. Meanwhile, 663 Sqn deployed on Ex VIOJEK SABRE involving REME, Signals, and Groundcrew, where Soldiers from across the Sqn were tested both physically and mentally in low-level Infantry tactics.
On a sporting front, Sqns have been competing against each other over various sporting events such as swimming, BAWF,
Potted sports ,10km road race and a virtual challenge in the annual Commanding Officers Cup competition. 669 Sqn were crowned the overall winners during the Soldiers Christmas day.
The Regiment has had a busy Ski season committing Sqn personnel to Ex EAGLE RACE and Ex EAGLE RUN, which turned several of the 663 Sqn’s novices into accomplished skiers. As well as skiing, members of 3 AAC have represented in an array of sports at Regimental, Corps and Army level.
I have continued to thoroughly enjoy my role within Army Boxing as the Major Panel appointments secretary, I have upgraded to a Grade A National Referee and Judge at the National Junior Championships in 2021 and continue to Officiate up and down the country and abroad throughout the season.
SSgt (SSI) J Battle RAPTC
 4Regiment AAC have continued to train at high readiness, conducting numerous aviation exercises both in the UK and abroad. EX AQUILAS STRIKE was a validation exercise
involving numerous sub-units attached to the lead Aviation Task Force, meanwhile, 664 Sqn deployed on EX SWIFT RESPONSE, which was an opportunity to conduct essential FARP training and basic soldering skills in a tactical environment.
4 Regiment AAC has also participated in numerous sporting events across the Midlands AOR, there has been a real drive to promote the Army Sports Trophy Competition, this has seen 4AAC accrue more points in the competition than in previous years.
The Commanding Officer’s Cup was a huge success with significant participation across all 6 events. As the CO’s Cup entered its final event (cross-country), the leader board could not have been closer, however, it was the REME Workshops who eventually went on to deservedly win the competition outright.
Finally, there has been a big push on driving the four themes of health and sporting opportunity in 4AAC, this culminated in the delivery of a hugely successful health and sports fair.
SSgt (SSI) Z Leeming-Watts RAPTC

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