Page 57 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 57
SSgt (SSI) S Wilcox RAPTC
After just settling into our new home at Weeton Barracks, 2 MERCIAN and myself received the news that the Battalion will be amalgamating in Summer 2022. With all the history of the Battalion, this was sad news for all involved, although it hasn’t stopped the fast flow of activity throughout the year.
Early 2021 saw the Battalion deploy to Kenya on Ex ASKARI STORM where we faced tough conditions, although that didn’t stop the troops getting the job done, enjoying what Kenya had to offer and giving back to the local community.
Although there was uncertainty surrounding the Battalion’s approach, we were determined to get one more boxing night under the lights as 2 MERCIAN. With lots of twists and turns along the way and the need to draft in external boxers, we managed to hold 10 bouts on the evening, which was accompanied with a huge atmosphere for all.
With the Battalion steeped in History and Battle Honours, we celebrated with several occasions across the year, encompassing PT where we could. With our new home of Blackpool, it seemed only right to utilise our new scenery, for some beach PT.
During the year, we organised a health fair to continue to press forward with the important message to all the soldiers within the Battalion. This was a great way to get the message across and encompass all the different forms of health in a fun and challenging way. This involved fitness challenges, food challenges and chats and advice from several different subject matter experts, who had kindly given up their time to speak with us.
Sgt Covu at the Battalion Sports Fair
Pte Derby the Regimental Mascot on duty for the Boxing Evening
Sport again had taken a hit during the pandemic and a Unit move from Cyprus had also added to the frustration, although a sports fair and several Commanding Officer’s Sports afternoons with mixed competition ensured we continued to push the message of sport across the Battalion.
Although I feel sad to be leaving the Battalion and that 2 MERCIAN will be no more, I feel we have all contributed and continued to pull in the right direction, and will continue to, right to the final bell.
Trophies for all participants on the Boxing Evening
1 Mercian Band getting ready to perform on the Boxing Evening