Page 60 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 60
35 Engr Team that competed in Round 3 of the UK Midlands BAWF Competition
event was held at Cambridge UOTC on 23 Nov 21 and consisted of a pre-inspection, RFT (S) station, representative military task (RMT), military knowledge, obstacle course / command tasks and culminated in a raft building race, which was an interesting end with levels of raft building engineering clearly varied. Secondly, we welcomed back the Station Health and Wellbeing fair, with a mixture of regimental personnel and outside agencies delivering a series of physical and mental health stands and promoting healthy lifestyles and wellbeing.
Following the Integrated Review (IR), the Regiment has been refocusing on its basic soldiering skills and has introduced a series of Ex Trojan Tuesdays. The aim of the training packages is to further develop BCS, SERE and EOD&S skills within complex scenarios and in a testing night environment. SP will conduct training followed by a testing phase during a 24-hour exercise. The first of these training exercises focused on basic survival, micro navigation, movement at night, BCDT and communication skills via use of BOWMAN and voice procedure, the event culminated with a fight back into camp combat conditioning PT session. The exercise was well received by all who took part and planning is well on the way for the next Ex Trojan Tuesday.
Overall, with Regimental life returning to normal and the pace of operations and Short-Term Training Teams (STTTs) ramping up, the year has been an extremely busy one. with lots to look forward to throughout 2022/23.
The medical and dental teams happy to see the return of the Station Health Fair
Bismarck Challenge Team
A cold morning in November at Cambridge UOTC
Combat PT