Page 89 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 89
SSgt (SSI) N Lockey RAPTC
21/22 is to be an extremely busy year for the RTR with a commitment to train and prepare for the execution of Op CABRIT 9 as the Lead Armoured Battle Group.
The preparation for Op CABRIT saw Sub-Units from within the RTR embark on the mission critical training that would allow them as a Regiment to take over command and control of Op CABRIT from the 1 MERCIAN Battle Group.
The journey for the RTR started by deploying CYCLOPS, DREADNAUGHT and EGYPT Sqn’s to Castlemartin Ranges to conduct low-level individual, crew and troop training, leading up to Annual Crew Test (ACT) and finishing with Live Fire Tactical Training (LFTT) which see a pair of Challenger Two Tanks moving down range and engaging with targets with their 120mm Main and 7.62 Coax (Chain Gun).
On completion of Castlemartin ranges it was time for the RTR to deploy to Germany on Ex TALLIN DAWN and for the first time form the RTR Battle Group made up of EGYPT Sqn, DREADNAUGHT Sqn, 33 Armoured Engineer Sqn, C Coy ROYAL WELSH and many Sub-Units from the Royal Artillery to ensure the Battle Group could form a Gun Line whilst having the capability for Air Defence (AD) and Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS). Ex TALLIN DAWN proved to be an extremely hard period that saw all elements of the Battle Group put at stretch to ensure they could be given the necessary qualifications to deploy on Op CABRIT 9.
On completion of an extremely successful Ex, the RTR Battle Group returned to the UK to finalise all training prior to Deployment. This period was to prove challenging for me as the RAPTCI. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the local restrictions placed upon us in Germany the RTR BG was unable to conduct any BG or Sqn-lead Physical Development whilst facing an extremely busy work routine and long exercise periods. The SP of the BG were to conduct a Lone Solider Physical Training Program (LSPT) prescribed by myself, but due to the hours spent on the Tank Park ensuring the Fleet was James Fit, soldiers’ physical fitness took a slight hit however, once we returned to the UK myself and my team of AAPTIs implemented a structured and effective 6 weeks
training program that built up to the RFT(S) ensuring that all SP went on pre-tour leave MATT 2 Green allowing the BG to get out the door and take on the next big challenge.
Pre-Deployment leave done, and COVID-19 testing complete the RTR BG took over control as the Enhanced Force Protection (eFP) Lead Armoured BG on the 6 Sep 21, becoming part of the 1st Estonian Brigade. Once in theatre it was clear to see that the pace of life was only going to get tougher and busier ensuring all fleets where James, and War Fit, which in turn meant the eFP BG would be ready for anything. The biggest challenge for the RTR BG was always going to be the harsh winter weather conditions Estonia is so famous for. However, all SP from within the BG would conduct the Cold Weather Operators Course (CWOK) ensuring all could remain fit to fight and conduct themselves in an effective manner during any Operational situation.
CWOK course was a critical element of the Winterisation training, the course was made up of a tactical phase, this taught and tested SP in a dismounted environment to conduct effective reaction to effective enemy fire and navigation in -10 to -20 conditions. The second phase of the course was Survival, this taught SP how to build shelters, create fires, kill, and dispatch a chicken ensuring you were able to sustain in a survival situation. The final part of the CWOK course was the Cold Weather Immersion where SP were made to jump into a frozen lake and then administer themselves before the body started to feel the effects of Hyperthermia. This training was completed to ensure that all SP could deploy on the biggest exercise of CABRIT 9 (Ex WINTER CAMP) showing the capability and rigour of the kit, equipment, and soldiers of the eFP BG.
During Op CABRIT 9, the SSI and members of the eFP BG took part in an endurance event like no other, Ex BALTIC WARRIOR saw teams of 2 complete an 8 Mile speed march carrying 25Kg followed by a 4km Canoe portage into a 12km Canoe race to finally finish with a 5km Speed March to the finish. All teams from the eFP BG put on extremely impressive performances, myself and Recce Troop led the eFP Teams with an overall 6th place out of 200 teams, proving that the British Army prides itself on being mentally and physically robust.
SSgt (SSI) N Lockey RAPTC