Page 98 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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The APTS continues to be the main focus of implementation through the PTP. Deployments of Wessex Storm 21 and MST build up for Op Newcombe 22/23 has been key in ensuring that the Unit is prepared both physical and mentally. Work aside, the ability to enter and compete at a variety of events from Cross Country, BAWF Bismarck Challenge & the Commando Speed March amongst a host of others has been of high importance.
AiS Virtual Running League Jun – Aug 21. Due to COVID 19, The regional X Country league, co-ordinated by myself was postponed, so a virtual running competition was put in place as a stop gap measure. The event saw members of the Regiment compete against other Units across Scotland with 3 events over 3 months. SCOTS DG were crowned Major Unit champions overall. SSgt Jane Cunningham, who was crowned 2nd place Veteran Female said ‘it was a fantastic opportunity to compete against other units safely, after such a long time away.’
Moncrieff Shield & Highland Games – Sep 21. This year saw the rejuvenation of the Moncrieff Shield, a historic Regimental sporting event which was last conducted in Germany back in 2015! A variety of inter Sqn competitions, saw each sqn battle it out for top honours overall. The sports contested were: Hockey, Volleyball, X Country, Rugby 7s, Footballs 6s & finally Tug O’ War. All the events were played over 1 week with the finals of the Rugby, Football & Tug O’ War being played out at the Regimental Highland Games Families Day, as part of the SCOTS DG 50th celebrations. HQ Sqn were crowned overall winners. This was the first round of Sports the Regiment had the chance to compete in since the COVID 19 outbreak, which was fantastic to see.
Commando Speed March – Sep 21. Due to COVID 19, the 2021 event was postponed until such a time deemed safe and appropriate to do so. The event is co-ordinated by myself and Sgt (SI) Simpson of CTC Lympstone. Training commenced immediately post- summer leave with a range of sessions putting the ‘willing’ volunteers through their paces. 10 SCOTS DG and Attached Arm Soldiers, ranging from LCpl to the ASM embraced the event head on and competed admirably against some very serious competition. The team events top 10 rankings historically are made up of teams from both 3 Commando and 16 Air Assault Brigades. SCOTS DG managed an impressive 7th placed team finish out of 21 teams.
Bismarck Challenge Oct 21. The annual Bismarck challenge relay race returned and was hosted by 1 UK Division and consisted of 129 teams over X Country terrain in wet and boggy conditions. The team, led by myself placed an impressive 4th overall, narrowly missing out on 3rd.
Remembrance Shield – Nov 21. I started the event which in 2019, and due to COVID 19, it returned to action in support of the
Remembrance Shield
Army Benevolent Fund, during the week of Remembrance. The Regiment were victorious, beating the RAF 4 -0 in the first game with a well contested 1-0 over our REME neighbours, 2 CS Bn REME. The event raised over £300 for the Charity on the day.
Commando Speed March – Mar 22. We managed to thankfully reset the event to its rightful date of March in 2022, and what a weekend it turned out to be. The sun shone from Thursday to Sunday; for those that have ever competed or been to the area (the wettest area in all UK) this was nothing short of a miracle. The RAPTC had a fantastic representation with 4 RAPTCIs all placing in the top 20 individually, with SSgt (SSI) Curtis taking first place. The team event saw SSgt (SSI) Swinfield of 2 PARA place 1st , SSgt (SSI) Curtis 2nd with 7 RHA and both SSgt (SSI) Tatton & Sgt (SI Dales) finish 3rd with 24 Cdo RE. This was an exceptional performance all round. All received their awards at the prizegiving dinner post-race.
Tin Phys 2021/22 – Monthly. Tin Phys, which started in January 2020, has grown in strength and has expanded into a few different variations, even outside of the Regiment, resulting in Exercise RAPTC ‘Tin Phys’ – a pan Army event. The Tin Run event itself is conducted on the last Friday of every month. A 5km race which is conducted in either running kit, boots or even weighted versions with obstacles thrown in. All runners arrive with a tinned food donation which would be taken to the Dundee Foodbank post event, as a Regimental contribution. There was a prize in the form of a medal for each overall fastest time on the day. The event remains a constant part of routine Regimental Community Engagement.
As my time at SCOTS DG nears its end, I find myself reflecting on what has been a fantastic period of my career. This unique Regiment has been fundamental in providing me with the support and experience to take forward into future roles. My successor will hopefully enjoy their time here as much as I have.
SSgt (SSI) L Baldwin RAPTC
RAPTCIs representing their respective units at the 2022 prizegiving ceremony
Tin Phys Donations