Page 42 - KRH Regimental Journal 2021
P. 42

                                40 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
 SPS Detachment
From operational support roles to Ex IRON STORM 2 and beyond, this year, the SPS Detachment is proud to have reso- lutely served the Regiment and to have done so with fidelity. This
can only be achieved when the detachment is fully integrated with the Regiment to enable delivery at the point of need.
Op ROSE ushered us into 2021. The Op RESCRIPT dust had not yet settled. The finance team was still compiling a complex cost capture analysis for a deployment that did not fit neatly into the regulations and the Regiment was on Christmas leave. Perfect conditions for a G1 mayhem. Yet, the Detachment was pivotal in setting the conditions for a successful Op ROSE. From the veracity of the recall list to generating smarter ways of tracking our personnel in a Covid environment and once again navigat- ing policies that were not designed for MACA tasks. The result was the successful deployment of C Sqn across England at almost no notice; accommodated, fed, and funded in unorthodox means. The remainder of the Battlegroup deployed to Kent with the Military Personnel Administrators (MPA) fully embedded within their Sqns conducting MACA tasks and providing real-life sup- port at the point of need. The Detachment is proud of its opera- tional support roles and is confident that its part in that plan is not in doubt.
Empowered junior soldiers capable of delivering G1 readiness for their sub-units were the mainstay of this year’s activities. Their ingenuity enabled smarter and more efficient ways of working to deliver frictionless mass administration of deploying personnel. QR codes were used to great effect amongst other measures. The next stage for development will be increasing the MPAs’ utility on deployment. BGHQ is leading with MPAs who were employed as drivers in addition to their Deployed Information Management and real-life support roles throughout the Ex MUDDY HAWK serials leading up to Ex IRON STORM 2.
Not exempt from trawls, Cpl Davies deployed to the Land Training Fleet (Sennelager) as a Temp Staff member and the only MPA for the G1 cell. Pte (now LCpl) White and Pte Manners took turns to deploy to the Land Quarantine Facility Army Command at Linton-On-Ouse. They were all outstanding ambassadors for both the Regiment and the Corps.
For the time off screen, the Detachment sought to integrate with the Regiment. Notably, Cpl Hodson completed the PANTHER course and now deploys as the RSM’s driver, whilst Pte Tamang trained and now drives the BGHQ 9T SVT. It is anticipated that they will both be employed in those roles on Op CABRIT. Taking a leaf from Flashman, the Officers and SNCOs opted to indulge
in their respective Messes like true Hussars. Clad in crimson, with tales from Ramnuggar and as far afield as Ex CULLODEN HAWK.
There were many success stories worth celebrating but top of the list were Cpl Fallaize and LCpl White’s promotions. A strong per- formance on the G1 Audit provided reassurance that robust G1 processes have been maintained throughout the year as evidenced by high standards of administration and service delivery. Proudly, the G1 Audit also recognised some of the work at KRH as best practice with recommendations for some aspects to be adopted for wide use across the SPS Branch. Closer to home, the CO awarded six CO’s coins to members of the Detachment. Off the pitch, the RAO, Capt Megan Lloyd was a Defence recipient of the ‘We Are The City – Rising Stars Awards’ with the team throwing a real Hussar Party to celebrate her achievement.
Boasting a cap-badge that is found in all units across the Army, it is not surprising that our Detachment is constantly changing. This year we welcomed WO2 Thomas (RAWO), Sgt Adubofour- Poku (Sys Coord), LCpl Subba Ningleku, Pte Tamang, and Pte Hail. Inevitably, we also bid farewell to Capt Lloyd (RAO), WO2 Harris (RAWO), LCpl Menyik and LCpl Ondieki. We wish them all success at every turn.
‘Animo Et Fide’ With Resolution and Fidelity.
   Celebrating the RAO

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