Page 60 - KRH Regimental Journal 2021
P. 60
58 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
Hawks on Ice
On a chilly Winter’s evening on the in early January, lateral flow tests were hastily un-packed and pre-flight checks were completed with earnest under the watchful gaze of the Cresta Team Captain and Recce Troop Leader, Lt Barrell. Four single red lines and four badly taken selfies later, the light went green and The King’s Royal Hussars Cresta team was officially heading for Switzerland.
The following morning an eclectic mix of Rab jackets and tweed arrived at Heathrow to rendezvous with B Sqn’s very own troop leader, Lt Hill. Caffeine and croissants consumed, the group of would-be mavericks made their way through check-in. After an insightful conversation on the economics of selling chewing gum in Leicester by Tpr Whatley, which was sadly interrupted by the sound of boarding calls, the team officially left British soil.
Arriving in Zurich and making the most of Swiss efficiency, the four Hussars eagerly awaited sight of what befitting chariot would be taking them to the historic and luxurious resort of St. Moritz. As Avis worked its magic the thought of sitting in a roomy 4x4 or estate style family sized vehicle whilst enjoying the magnifi- cent Alpine views only added to the excitement. However, real- ity quickly set in when a rather cramped VW Polo stared down its four occupants, none of whom stooped below 6’ – save Lt Barrell. Three and half long hours later the soon-to-be toboggan- ists arrived at their accommodation and the Team Captain was quickly whisked away for a brief. As the remaining three uncov- ered their hidden culinary skills, the reality of shuttling down ice at 70mph quickly began to settle in and just as quickly did their appetites dissipate.