Page 73 - KRH Regimental Journal 2021
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Throughout this year, HMS DAUNTLESS has continued to progress through key milestones as the First of Class to undergo the Power Improvement Project. The enhancements that this project will make to her propulsion systems will safe- guard her resilience and ensure that she is the bedrock of Anti- Air Warfare for the Carrier Strike Group for years to come.
Last year, we reported that the Ship’s Company had been split between Cammell Laird and the Surface Flotilla, based in Portsmouth and deployed across various other ships. With the surge in activity on DAUNTLESS, we have seen the workforce combine and work as one team from Cammell Laird. This has enabled key training to be performed to ensure that the Ship’s Company is ready to take over the control of the Ship. One such aspect, is the ability for our people to be able to quickly react to emergencies, such as fires and floods, to ensure they are stopped as fast as possible. We maintain our readiness with intensive simulated onboard training. Our overall training and prepar- edness have also been managed against the backdrop of consid- erable personnel support to Op ESCALIN, Op RESCRIPT, Op FORTIS and other deployments across the Globe. We were also able to support the remembrance services in our affiliated city of Newcastle Upon Tyne and our affiliated town of Great Yarmouth.
But whilst progress has been made, unforeseen emergent works has caused delay to DAUNTLESS’s regeneration. Exploiting this opportunity, it has provided the chance for some of our per- sonnel to undertake Adventurous Training and team-building sports. In this regard, a notable achievement was demonstrated by our Deputy Weapon Engineering Officer SLt Peter Cable RN, who completed the 3 Peaks’ Challenge in a very commendable 21 hours and 17 minutes. We also entered a team into the Liverpool Rock n Roll Marathon, who collectively raised over £900 for the Great North Children’s Hospital Foundation.
DAUNTLESS is excited by the prospects that 2022 will provide, specifically the completion of the Power Improvement Project followed by a successful regeneration to be ready for further task- ing in any corner of the Globe.
The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars 71
Who we are and what we do – the Salters’ Livery Company
The Salters’ Company has its origins in the salt trade of medi- eval London and received its original licence from Richard II in 1394. By the time it was awarded its Royal Charter by James
I in 1607, the Worshipful Company of Salters was a
trading guild ranked 9th in the order of precedence.
By the late 19th century, many of the original medi-
eval trades had either changed out of all recogni-
tion or simply ceased to exist and the City Livery Companies were encouraged to establish new links
with relevant trades and industry. Given the impor-
tance of salt in so many manufacturing processes, it
is no surprise that the Salters opted for the chemi-
cal industries and since 1918, the Salters’ Institute
of Industrial Chemistry has actively promoted links with the chemical industry and the teaching of chemistry and associ- ated sciences. Today, the Salters’ Company is a diverse and thriving organisation, proudly playing its part in the civic
life of the City of London. Fellowship remains at the heart of Company life and in normal times, members enjoy regular for- mal dinners and a range of more relaxed social gatherings and Inter-Livery Company events including skiing, rowing and
even curling! The Salters’ main focus continues to be on charitable work through the Salters’ Institute and its promotion of science education and through the Salters’ Charitable Foundation, which supports the relief of need by way of its almshouses in Maidenhead and Watford, provides bursaries and scholarships and makes grants to local and national charities. The Salters’ is also proud to hold affiliations with The King’s Royal Hussars, HMS VENGEANCE and Sea,
Army and Air Force Cadet units. Finally, the Salters’ Company is especially looking forward to reconnecting with its partners and affiliates during 2022.