Page 76 - KRH Regimental Journal 2021
P. 76

                                74 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
 The Regimental Association
Iremind you that the purpose of the Regimental Association is that the Association has your back. In these times of Covid, it has been never more important that we are here, and that you know that we are. I would ask that you ensure that the Association has your contact details, while you are serving. Please sign-up at
Your Association was active on only four occasions in 2021, which were as follows. I had the privilege of standing in-front of our Memorial Garden at the annual Field of Remembrance Service, which is held on the Thursday before Remembrance Sunday. The Memorial Garden is now opened by HRH The Duchess of Cornwall, having first laid a wreath on behalf of Her Majesty and herself, by walking around and chatting to many of the old com- rades parading in front of their Regimental plot. Due to Covid, and work to underpin the South Wall of the Abbey, numbers were severely restricted, with only the Regimental Secretary with his wife Belinda, who does so much for both the Association and the Museum,andBrianYates,wholays-outsocarefullythenumerous crosses and five Regimental badges in our Plot, and me attending.
Secondly, the Northern Reunion, hosted by Lt Col Peter Garbutt and ably supported by Major Tim Tayler, was held on the Saturday of the Remembrance Weekend, followed by our usual Service in St Lawrence Church Barton on the Sunday. The Saturday even- ing was attended by over 40 members sitting-down for Dinner in the Barton Grange Hotel.
Thirdly, the Cenotaph Parade, organized by John Cook, who sadly was unable to join us on the day. The Royal British Legion sported us as their Centre-Page, exiting Horse Guards with Sergeant Major Thompson ensuring that we were all in-step!
Lastly, the South-West Reunion, hosted by Lt Col Jeremy Moger, celebrated the Heroes of Ramnuggur in Dorchester in mid- November. Fifty-one attended, including nine serving WO1s & WO2s. After the Loyal Toasts, the gentlemen formed the Horse
HRH The Duchess of Cornwall in conversation with the Chairman
Shoe, an account of the battle and the names of those killed and wounded were read out, and after the playing of Last Post, a min- ute silence was held, also in remembrance of those old comrades we have lost since the last time they met four years ago. The pass- ing of a cup had to be replaced due to the risk of Covid infection, but champagne was passed in single shot glasses and each in turn raised a toast to, “The Heroes of Ramnuggur”.
Our visit to Medicina was again cancelled, and we are not plan- ning to re-organize this in 2022 due to the uncertainty of Covid restrictions, and the Anniversary being held over the Easter Weekend.

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