Page 10 - RADC Bulletin 2021
P. 10
Dental Readiness
Preparation Team (DRPT)
From concept to delivery
Maj C Harper
This article discusses the DRPT development from its initial concept to
delivery in support of Field Army (Fd Army)
dental readiness. The DRPT concept
was developed to provide an adaptable,
Maj C Harper
Layout of the DRPT
agile and flexible capability by providing
Layout of the DRPT
Dental Readiness Preparation Team (DRPT); From Concept to Delivery
additional clinical capacity in support of
Force Generation for operations now and in
This article discusses the DRPT development from its initial concept to delivery in support of
the future. It has been shown to have wide
FutielitlydwhAicrhmhays h(aFddsigAnirfimcanyt)imdpeacnt toanl readiness. The DRPT concept was developed to provide an
adaptable, agile and flexible capability by providing additional clinical capacity in support of
the dental fitness of deploying units and
provides significant benefits for the Army
Force Generation for operations now and in the future. It has been shown to have wide utility
and the RADC.
which has had significant impact on the dental fitness of deploying units and provides
The DRPT concept came from a
discussion in June 20, within a RADC basically a brain storming session, was by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) with
significant benefits for the ArmAyreahnedartshaelRwAaDsCre.quired to run through the concept developed by th
working group, looking to find a solution undertaken by a team within 24 Sqn, operational experience so that it could for units who were deploying abroad 5 Medical Regiment in Sept 20. The be analysed and adjustments made. In
estimates of the power requirement, layout and logistical lift needed t
imminently and based in isolated locations, discussion involved an assessment of the particular the planning process looked at
The DRPT concept came from a discussion in June 20, within a RADC working group,
feasible and that it could be deployed for validation during a Proof of
where there wasn’t sufficient dental capacity requirement and the development of how how the use of increased ventilation using
looking to find a solution for units who were deploying abroad imminently and based in
exercise. This was undertaken in Oct 20 and inspected by Subject M
to ensure they could have the appropriate this dental capability could be delivered. tents could reduce the required fallow
dental fitness to deploy. This was as a result The concept was developed to maximise period which would allow the DRPT to see
isolated locations, where there wasn’t sufficient dental capacity to ensure they could have
with operational experience so that it could be analysed and adjustm
of the initial cessation of routine dentistry the current dental equipment held within more patients than would be possible in the tdhuetoaCpOpVrIDo-p19rpialutsethedseignitfaicalnftitnesstoadMedpiclaolyRe.gTimhenist,ewstabslishatsheanurmebserultofirtmhbeaseinDietniatallCcenstres.ationofroutine
the planning process looked at how the use of increased ventilation
constraints of PPE supply, workforce of personnel required and an Equipment The DRPT was deployed to Dale Barracks,
dentistry due to COVID-19 plus the significant constraints of PPE supply, workforce
the required fallow period which would allow the DRPT to see more p
availability and the one hour fallow period Statement Of Requirement (ESOR) was Chester in Nov 20 to treat 1st Battalion amvanadialatebdbilyittyheaoffnicdeotfhtheeoChniefDhenotaulrfallporowducpeedrtoioesdtabmlisahnthdeaeqtueipdmebnytntehededoffiTcheDoufkethofeLaCncahsiterf’sDReeginmteantlwOhefrfeicer
possible in the firmbase Dental Centre.
Officer (Eng) in summer 2020 for Aerosol to support it when deployed. Dental Teams the concept was carefully validated in
(Eng) in summer 2020 for Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGP), which led to a decline in
Generating Procedures (AGP), which led would normally deploy as part of a Medical tents and also inside a building so that tho ea ddecelinetian lthfeitdnenetsalsfitnaecssraocsrosstthe ArmReyce.ption Station (MRS) and its support we could ensure it had the flexibility for
sequence of events for the DRPT over a 12
DRPT Timeline
month period.
An Initial Planning Conference (IPC),
The DRPT was deployed to Dale Barracks, Chester in Nov 20 to trea
Army. would be provided by this structure. A different situations if needed in the future
of Lancaster’s Regiment where the concept was carefully validated i
The analysis showed that this problem unique issue in this case was that the DRPT but also by using a mixture of Fd Army
The analysis showed that this problem could be solved by using the Deployable Component
could be solved by using the Deployable buiwldouinldgnesedototbheastelfw-suefficieonut wlditheitsnoswunre iatnhd aDPdHtCh(De) infldeivxidiubailsliitywofuoldr ednsifufre rent situa
(DC) Dental Teams within the Fd Army Medical Regiments and their dental equipment to
future but also by using a mixture of Fd Army and DPHC(D) individua
Component (DC) Dental Teams within power plan and logistics, which meant a it had the greatest utility. This would allow
the Fd Army Medical Regiments and their new solution was required. the best location to be used based on the
provide intervention and support to Defence Primary Healthcare (Dental) (DPHC(D)) so that
dental equipment to provide intervention the gThre baatseicslatyoutiolifttyh.e DTRhPiTsiswshowunld alloawvailtahble inbfreasstrtucltourceasutcioh nas rtombseinsuidseed bas
this decline could be arrested and gains made more rapidly to allow units to deploy with a infrastructure such as rooms inside a building with a running water s
and support to Defence Primary Healthcare above which has two surgeries, a CSSD a building with a running water supply. The
(Dental) (DPHC(D)) so that this decline and an admin area. It was planned that this PoC was an excellent opportunity to really
lower dental risk. This would always be a combined effort between the Fd Army and
could be arrested and gains made more excfoermllaet ncotulod pbepuotilristeudneithyertwoithrien atelnltys odr evdelvoelpop theeDRDPRT ePspTeciealslypasetcheianellwy as the ne
DPHC(D) to provide dental service provision for our Soldiers.
hadn’t been used on patients before. In particular, the amount of pow
rapidly to allow units to deploy with a using rooms within a building. dental equipment hadn’t been used on
lower dental risk. This would always be a A rehearsal was required to run through patients before. In particular, the amount
combined effort between the Fd Army and genthe rcaontcoeprst detoveloppedebryatthe IPthCeinceluqdiungipmoef npotwaernredqulirgedhftrosmwthae sgenveirtatolrstoto ensure it
for our Soldiers.
layout and logistical lift needed to make sure it would be feasible and that it could be deployed for validation during a Proof of Concept (PoC) exercise. This was undertaken in Oct 20 and inspected
The timeline below summarises the
wanted it to.
to ensure it could function as we wanted it to.
It was really important that lots of people had the opportunity to visit during the PoC so that we could make sure it was safe to
Initial Scoping Exercise
Jul 20
Initial Planning Conference
Sep 20
DRPT Rehearsal
Oct 20
Proof of Concept
1LANCS Nov 20
DRPT 3SCOTS Jan/Feb 20
DRPT RMAS Apr/May 20
Jun/Jul 20
An Initial Planning Conference (IPC), basically a brain storming session, was undertaken by
a team within 24 Sqn, 5 Medical Regiment in Sept 20. The discussion involved an
assessment of the requirement and the development of how this dental capability could be
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