Page 13 - RADC Bulletin 2021
P. 13
DRPT Governance and Assurance Visit
SSgt S Gotora
One of the responsibilities as Regional Practice Manager NIWW is to assess
and assure governance and assurance compliance in all dental facilities in the region. DRPT settings are no exception to this rule.
The DRPTs conducted clinically facing activity in/alongside DPHC facilities and were thus familiar with the current National and DPHC guidelines during COVID-19. Personnel were all assured through CQAA and registration with the GDC.
DRPT HGAV Key Findings:
• The practice was clean and well
maintained. First impressions count.
• The practice used a DMS-wide
electronic system for reporting and managing incidents, accidents and significant events, ASER System.
• Systems were in place to support the management of risk, including clinical and non-clinical risk.
• The practice had suitable safeguarding processes and training, staff knew their responsibilities for safeguarding adults and young people.
• Staff were appropriately selected
and upon arrival received a comprehensive induction, including extensive IPC and Health and Safety, before commencing clinical activities.
• The clinical staff provided care and treatment in line with current guidelines.
• Staff treated patients with dignity and respect and took care to protect their privacy and personal information.
• The appointment system met patient’s needs and was managed
with CoC engagement.
• The practice had effective leadership
and personnel felt involved and
supported, working well as a team.
• Several methods were used to secure
patient feedback about the service they received including written
and verbal means. This was mostly positive and highlighted patients would recommend the facility to their friends and family.
• The practice had an effective system in place to deal with complaints.
• Medicines and life-saving equipment
were available in the event of a
medical emergency.
• The practice was working in
accordance with national practice guidelines for the decontamination of dental instruments.
• An effective system for assessing, monitoring and improving the quality of service was in place. This was discussed and reviewed during practice meetings.
• The maintenance of the tentage and deployable equipment was compliant to ensure the safety of patients.
• Patient safety in the waiting area was guaranteed due to the layout and positioning of the DRPT which included the use of hard standings.
• Duty of candor training was in date for all staff and they were aware of the reporting system.
• An access audit, as defined in the Equality Act 2010, had been completed for the premises.
• Infection prevention and control audits and training were taking place every 6 months, IPC lead appropriately trained.
• Formal practice meetings were held frequently enough and the meeting agenda did include all the required agenda items, including addressing areas of good practice, improvements and lessons learnt.
• An extensive Fire Plan was in place, assessed by the Unit Fire Officer for the management of generators and heaters.
• Staff were aware of the principles of the Mental Capacity Act (2005) and in date for training.