Page 24 - RADC Bulletin 2021
P. 24
Cpl Shauna McCourt
Mum to Callum (11), Lewis (8) and Jordan (2 – terrible twos)
PM DC Minley
Benefits of being a serving mum
As a serving mum to three children I believe I’m demonstrating a good work ethic and setting a good example to my children by managing a career alongside motherhood - not forgetting everything else that gets thrown in along the way.
Assignments have enabled us to travel as a family to various locations including overseas providing amazing opportunities and experiences that I feel fortunate to have experienced with my children.
I feel the RADC is understanding of parental responsibilities and mainly operates on standard working patterns providing routine, stability and structure for my family.
While the Army might not sound like the most family friendly option, family
life can be taken into consideration on new assignments. Times have changed
to reflect changes in society seeing opportunities available for working mums - flexible working, parental leave initiatives for anyone who needs to juggle their commitments.
As a serving mum I feel I get the best of both worlds with career opportunities, adventures, sports and travel and importantly family time with my children. There aren’t many careers that tick all those boxes!
Biggest Challenges
Dual working parents - my husband’s occupation requires him to work away from our family home, sometimes for long periods at a time. At times this can be my biggest challenge and feel it’s important to have a balance between work and family with a good support network in place.
Education and moving – I have always found sourcing the right education/ nursery unnerving as we want the best for our children and in all honesty as working mums, they spend more time in these settings than at home at times.
With our recent move back to the UK from Cyprus we made a family decision
for our two eldest children to attend an independent school as boarders to provide continuity and stability by not moving them every two – three years. I understand this option isn’t suited to everyone and people have their own opinions and
views on boarding schools. Initially I felt guilty and a failure as a mum but with
both children wanting a new challenge, excelling academically and settling into their new boarding environment it has become easier and I’m immensely proud of them both and their achievements so far.
Your advice to other parents
Sometimes you don’t know if it will or won’t work so give it 100% at least you tried! It’s better than thinking what if...
Try to maintain a healthy balance between work and family time.
Network platforms are a great source for gaining information for education/ nurseries, housing, etc.
WO2 Tracey Protheroe
Mum to Seren (18) and Rhys (17)
RQMS – Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, Birmingham
Benefits of being a serving mum
I am now approaching the end of my military career and my children have been raised entirely as service children. I found myself
a single serving mother when my youngest was only 6 months old, so it was a steep learning curve to survive. I am grateful to have weathered the storm and retained my career as we have taken advantage of the opportunities as a family in all the places we have been assigned.
The housing and healthcare have been one of the biggest benefits especially when