Page 46 - RADC Bulletin 2021
P. 46
Brunei Dental School
Lt Col S Porter
When I first arrived in Brunei for my posting at Dental Centre Seria in July 2018, Maj Jim Scott (now Retd), who was just finishing up his Loan Service posting, asked if I would like to get involved with some voluntary lecturing at the new Brunei Dental School in Bandar Seri Begawan. The Dental School had just formed the year before and Jim had been heavily involved with assisting the course directors in providing learning content to the first intake of students. I saw this as a great opportunity to get involved with academia and improve my instructing and dental knowledge and it assisted Comd BFB’s intent through Defence Engagement.
The Dental School trains only 10-15 dental students per year for the first three years
of their training, after which they transfer to a U.K. / Irish Dental School in Newcastle, Glasgow or Cork to complete the final three years of their training. So the Dental School was keen to have U.K. qualified Dentists
lecture their students on various subjects, also to prepare them for education in a U.K. Dental School and get them used to the various regional accents.
My commitment was lecturing about once a month and assisting with examining the students at the end of each term. Examining was particularly enjoyable as it was nice
to finally be the examiner rather than the examinee. The experience also improved my teaching knowledge and experience and made evident areas I needed to improve
on. This led me to undertake a PgCert in Medical Education and is a course I can highly recommend to anyone considering teaching in Dentistry.
Overall, it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience during my three years in Brunei and if anyone gets the opportunity to do something similar in their region, it is a great way to progress your own professional development as well as that of those just starting out in their own.
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