Page 5 - RADC Bulletin 2021
P. 5

WO1 L Humphreys Representitive Sergeant Major
This year has been an extra special year
for our Corps, as we have celebrated our Centenary. Many a time I have reflected
on what makes our Corps unique and consistently I came to the same conclusion: our people, you! Our Corps has always been relatively small, but those that have gone before us and those serving now
are none the less remarkable. As you will read in this wonderful publication, it truly celebrates what makes our Corps special and makes me feel immeasurably proud to be part of the RADC family.
Despite another challenging year for all, this eclectic collaboration of articles proves that even when faced with adversity our people have the resilience, focus and vigour to selflessly provide the best care possible to our patients, whilst simultaneously braking barriers through studying for degrees, winning CO’s coins, undertaking charity work, excelling in AT, delivering Oral Health fairs worldwide and providing much need support to the NHS through Op RESCRIPT, to name a few.
Maj S Darke
Happy Centenary!!
It’s been another year of ups and (lock) downs. I do hope you have all made it through relatively unscathed and continue to soldier on. But if not, please remember, there is always someone in the Corps who wants to listen and help.
So, it’s a bumper edition this year. I was worried that with all the disruption the year brought we would struggle for articles. I was so wrong! So many of you heeded the call that we had to request extra pages, and rightly so, for our centenary year. There is
a brilliant memory piece from Col (Retd) Smith, that highlights just how different postings were in days gone by, and some lovely snippets from others on their national service. We have an informative update from Lt Col Valler on our centenary year plans as well as several accounts from the unveiling of our Memorial Stone. It is also wonderful to see articles and photos from past and present members of the Corps paying their respects to those that have fallen.
Not only have personnel abroad really been making the most of their postings with some fantastic team building days and AT, but those at home, despite restrictions, have
Despite COVID-19, we were able to
host our Col in Chief, HRH, The Duchess
of Gloucester at our Centenary Stone Dedication Unveiling. For those that attended, I think you will agree, it was a thoroughly enjoyable event, that made the Corps proud. The star of the day has got to be Dexter, the guide dog who took very well to HRH and most definitely gave her his seal of approval! After HRH departed, we were honoured to witness Sgt Gooding-Edgehill being presented her Long Service & Good Conduct medal by Brigadier Finn, Head of AMS and Senior Health Advisor (Army).
In the third quarter of 2021, the Corps
was proudly represented at The Field of Remembrance, Westminster Abbey, The Festival of Remembrance in the Royal Albert Hall and at The Menin Gate Last
Post Ceremony. If you still wish to purchase any RADC 100 items, you can do by visiting the Museum of Military Medicine website. Additionally, there a few BFBS Philatelic Commemorative Covers available by visiting
been doing some pretty impressive sports and events, several of these for charity. Unfortunately, we can’t get away from COVID but it has been really interesting to read about what some of the Corps have been doing to aid the countries effort against the virus. Another lovely and engaging read is the Spotlight on RADC Mums, I might
be biased having composed this issue of the bulletin on maternity leave, but it is great to see what can be accomplished alongside motherhood. And talking of accomplishments the DRPT has definitely been one of those, have a read to find out more.
I trust the above has whetted your appetite for what is to come, there is such
a spread of articles in the bulletin this year that I’m sure everyone will find something to interest them. However, before you devour the pages, I would like to thank some of the key personnel who have helped make this bulletin possible. Firstly, thank you to those at Crest Publications who, every year, do a fantastic job turning our word documents into a professional magazine and to our sponsors who make it possible for us to publish. A massive thanks to everyone that
Now we are learning to live with the challenges of the ‘new world,’ please take some time to reflect on how much you have achieved personally and professionally since March last year. It is surprising how much we achieve even when stretched
a little beyond our usual comfort zones. Celebrating success is important.
As we move into 101 years as a Corps, I wish you and yours well for the year ahead. Make it count!
  submitted articles without your support
and effort the bulletin simply would not be. But this year, the biggest thank you goes to the bulletin 2IC. With my being out of office since Feb 2021 this edition would not have been possible without the hard work of Sgt Shaw, who not only did most of the leg work chasing down those with articles, but also came up with some great ideas for pieces to publish. So read on and I hope you are all pleased with the results.

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