Page 56 - RADC Bulletin 2021
P. 56

My Journey from Trainee Dental Nurse to Dental Officer
Lt L Little
I was asked to write an article about my career in the Royal Army Dental Corps (RADC), so here goes:
After almost a decade of working in various administrative roles I decided it
was time for a change of career. I began working as a civilian Trainee Dental Nurse for the Defence Dental Agency (DDA),
as it was known back then, in Mansergh Barracks, Germany; where I was based as a dependent back in 2004. Some of you may remember the fitness classes that I used to teach in Princess Royal Barracks gymnasium in Gutersloh (Lin’s Kick Aerobics). Those classes went down particularly well on the Commanding Officers PT sessions whilst in fancy dress.
I really enjoyed working within the
dental setting and being within a military environment. I was also very passionate about keeping fit, so I decided to take things a step further and join the Regular Army as a Dental Nurse. In September 2005 I boarded a train in Wigan and headed to Army Training Regiment Winchester to complete my basic training, where I was awarded the prize for ‘Best Recruit.’
From there I went to Aldershot to complete my trade specific training prior to my first posting as a Private soldier to Palace Barracks in Northern Ireland where I worked as a Dental Nurse for 18 months. In 2007
I gained my National Certificate in Dental Nursing with ‘Merit.’ I was also selected for promotion to LCpl and posted to Ballykinler as the Practice Supervisor. Whilst this was
a positive move up the promotion ladder, it unfortunately meant that I was back in the office.
I desperately wanted to get back into a clinical role so whilst serving in Northern Ireland, I enrolled in a college so that I could improve my GCSE grades to enable me to apply for Dental Hygienist training. In 2008, I secured my place on the Dental Hygienist training programme (DH12) which took me back to Aldershot for 2 years. I also gained my Specialist Radiographer for Dental Nurses. I thrived from learning new clinical skills and becoming more hands on with patients. I was awarded the tutors prize for ‘Best Coursemanship.’
In 2010 I was promoted to Corporal and posted to Germany where I was stationed for 5 years. I was the regional Dental Hygienist covering Bielefeld, Herford and Sennelager, and gained a few prizes for Oral Health Promotion along the way. I became the regional Basic Life Support trainer and Infection Prevention Control Lead, and I also found myself doing a lot of Practice Management for gapped posts.
Whilst stationed in Germany I attended the University of Central Lancashire in Preston on a part time basis. This self- funded endeavour meant flying back and forth to the UK at weekends. In 2013 I achieved my Bachelor of Science ‘Honours’ in Dental Studies.
The Armed Forces Restructuring resulted in the disbandment of the RADC Dental Hygiene cadre in 2015. This meant that my Regular Army career was sadly coming to an end. Having anticipated this outcome, I had already managed to secure a deferred unconditional offer to read Dentistry at
the University of Leeds. This allowed me
to serve my final year until I was given compulsory redundancy from the Regular Army in 2015. I genuinely did not want to leave the Army, so the following day I began my career with the Army Reserves.
I graduated from The University of Leeds in 2020 with ‘Distinction’ gaining my Master of Dental Surgery, Bachelor of Dental Surgery, and Bachelor of Oral Science; I’m still awaiting an official graduation ceremony and obligatory photo!
I am currently working as a Dental Vocational Trainee at a fantastic practice in Glasgow, where the training year has been extended until July 2022 due to the COVID pandemic.
My time in the Army Reserves has
seen me initially serving with 7 Scots in Dumbarton, 212 Field Hospital in Leeds whilst at University, and I am currently with 154 Med Squadron in Stirling which is part
of 225 Medical Regiment. I came off the promotion board for Sergeant several times but frustratingly there was no opportunity to complete my Senior Leadership course due to university commitments.
My latest and possibly the proudest achievement to date was passing off the Queen’s Commissioning Parade at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in June 2021 as Lieutenant Little.
Fitness has always been a big part of my life. During my time in the RADC, I have been involved in Army Medical Services skiing, Hockey, Nijmegen marches, offshore sailing, mountaineering, and climbing to name a few. I was a member of the 300 Club “those who know, know”. I was also
a civilian fitness instructor for over 18 years teaching various aerobic classes, Spinning, Kettlersize, Metafit and Boxercise.
I have been a proud member of the RADC for 16 years and I can honestly say that I have met some incredible people and lifelong friends that have helped me get to where I am today. I am especially thankful to my partner, family and friends that have supported and encouraged me over the years to achieve my goals.
Anyway, having worked in a variety of roles in the RADC, I now look forward to continuing my career as a Dental Officer in the Army Reserves. I am excited to discover what opportunities may come my way in the future. If someone would have asked
me “where do you see yourself in 15 years?” I would never have imagined the journey I have taken. Some say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, I say aim high, follow your dreams and don’t ever give up.
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