Page 31 - ALG Issue 3 2016
P. 31

Report and Proceedings of the National Allotment Society AGM
Held at the Royal York Hotel on 4th June 2016
President, Karen Kenny, welcomed members and honoured guests to the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners 2016 Annual General Meeting with the following address:
What a year it has been. In typical British fashion, the weather has been totally unpredictable and extreme. In Suffolk we have escaped most of the extreme conditions and feel for those of you that have suffered severe  ooding and really high winds causing devastation. I am sure that, as stalwart allotmenteers, you have borne these days and have made the decision to continue once again to carry on regardless, already having dealt with the effects on your plots and are planting your produce for this year’s harvest; we applaud you all.
The Society has seen some changes at Head Of ce with Holly leaving for a new life in Australia and we wish her well. Taking over her role as Assistant Legal Advisor we welcome Christian Kirkpatrick. The of ce staff continue to answer the increasing number of enquiries as quickly as possible and ask for your patience while they  nd the appropriate response. However, we are happy to be nudged if you have not heard back from us within a reasonable time. Various issues have taken up much of the Society’s time and we are pleased to
say that new partnerships have been formed with some great new offers that you will notice online. Of course, the rules have been a continuous work in progress and we thank you for your input; at the AGM they will be presented for your approval.
For me, as your President, it has been an interesting two years attending and participating in the Management Committee meetings and training days. As well as attending various meetings around the country there have been queries from all quarters including the media and defending the size of plots so that we continue to have a choice of full or half plots as well as campaigning for more land.
I know that you too have been busy lobbying your local councils and MPs on behalf of allotments everywhere. We are still, at time of writing, awaiting a result from Watford, whose amazing members we salute and continue to support. They show the world how important allotments are to the tenants that work them and that allotment holders will  ght for their plots. The international connection is also important and I am proud to represent you all at the International meeting where the British allotments movement plays a vital part. This is, however, the beginning of my last year in of ce and it is important that you all look now at your membership to  nd your next President. Perhaps there is a newly retired business person, someone that you know is passionate about the allotment movement and its importance for future generations. Is there someone you think may be suitable and serves you well?
In every region there may well be a candidate. They do not have to have been a Regional Representative previously, but they do need to be willing to participate and represent the Society at various levels. It is best to have a selection of candidates so that you, the members, have a choice as to who you believe will serve you best when you read their ‘CVs and manifestos’. The President is for the membership to elect, so please start looking now and talking to prospective Presidents and make sure that you get their names and details to Head Of ce before the deadline in January.
Thank you all for your continuing support for the Society.
Apologies were received from:
Mr and Mrs Rai Paul Neary

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