Page 35 - ALG Issue 3 2016
P. 35

Presentation concerning draft new rules - Jeff Barber
Jeff Barber gave a lively and enlightening account of the process the board and rules sub-committee have gone through to write the new draft rules, which they recommended the members present accept. The board consider that the 2015 draft is clearer, less accident- prone, more  exible and more up-to-date than existing year 2000 rules, which have provided a framework for disputes. This draft also conforms to the Co-operative Community Bene t Society Act 2014 and will enable the Society to move on into other areas that need urgent attention.
Motions and amendments
Proposal of Motion 1 ‘The Management Committee recommend
to the Annual General Meeting that the draft rules version 3.0 be adopted by the meeting and then be formally registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under the Co-operative Community Bene t Society Act 2014’.
Proposer: Tony Heeson Seconded: Neil Dixon
Proposed amendments to those rules
Rule 4 – General Quali cations and Interpretations, Of cers: Draft Version 3: President, an honorary post with no voting
powers elected by members.
Proposed: President, with no voting powers elected by members
(The removal of the word honorary would also change the following rules; 8.3.1; 8.10; 8.11.1; 8.11.2; 8.11.3; 8.11.4; 8.11.5; 8.17.4; 12.6; 12.6.1).
Proposer: Maurice Lander Seconder: John McNab MOTION CARRIED.
The following two amendments put forward by the Northern Region failed because they received no proposer or seconder.
Rule 6.2.4 - FAILED
Draft Version 3: Provide advice and guidance in the setting up
of local associations including the formation of limited companies. Proposed: Provide advice and guidance in the setting up of local associations including the formation of incorporated bodies.
Rule 6.2.5 - FAILED
Draft Version 3: Make grants to Regional Bodies towards the cost
of organisational work done on behalf of the Society as set out in Section H of the Standards and Procedures. Proposed: Make grants to Regional Bodies towards the cost of organisational work done on behalf of the Society.
Rule 8.12.2
Draft Version 3: In order to be put forward for nomination,
nominees must have shown outstanding services to the Society over several years but shall no longer be serving of cers at national level or of any Regional Body. Proposed: In order to be put forward for nomination, nominees must have shown outstanding services to the Society over several years but shall no longer be serving of cers at national level.
Proposer: Maurice Lander
Seconder: John McNab
Maurice Lander, Dave Rawlings and Shirley Fleetwood spoke for
the amendment, Jeff Barber spoke against the amendment. FAILED, 4 for, 32 against.
Rule 8.16.4
Draft Version 3: The quorum necessary for the transaction of
business at a Management Committee meeting shall be seven Management Committee members and for meetings held by electronic means shall include those Management Committee members not present in person. Proposed: The quorum necessary for the transaction of business at a Management Committee meeting shall be seven voting Management Committee members.
Proposer: Maurice Lander
Seconder: John McNab
Maurice Lander spoke for the amendment, Jenny Crawford spoke
against the amendment. FAILED, 6 for, 45 against.
The following two amendments put forward by the Northern Region failed because they received no proposer or seconder.
Rule 12.2.1 - FAILED
Draft Version 3: At the request of the Management Committee,
the Society Secretary shall, after receiving and accepting a bona
 de request in writing made by 100 or more members and taking professional advice, call an extraordinary general meeting. Proposed: The Management Committee may and the Society Secretary shall, after receiving and accepting a bona  de request in writing made
by 100 or more members and taking professional advice, call an extraordinary general meeting.
Rule 13.3.2 - FAILED
Draft Version 3: Con rm that the agenda for the annual general
meeting and any extraordinary general meeting held during the
year is within these rules. Proposed: Con rm or otherwise to the Management Committee that the agenda for the annual general meeting and any extraordinary general meeting held during the year is within these rules.
Rule 13.4.3
Draft Version 3: No emergency motion shall be discussed without two thirds of the voting members present at a general meeting being in agreement with 13.4.2. Proposed: No emergency motion shall be discussed without a majority of the voting members present at a general meeting being in agreement with 13.4.2.
Proposer: Maurice Lander
Seconder: John McNab
Maurice Lander and John McNab spoke for the amendment; John
Urwin spoke against the amendment. FAILED, 8 for, 48 against, 2 abstentions.
A Card Vote was taken on the rules Version 3.0 as amended
CARRIED; 147 for, 44 against.
Proposal of Motion 2 - ‘With effect from the 2017 Annual General Meeting the Greater London region shall be set up to serve the

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