Page 36 - ALG Issue 3 2016
P. 36

interests of members within the 32 London Boroughs and the city of London’.
Proposer – Jeff Barber
Seconder – Linda Kavanagh
Jeff Barber and Linda Kavanagh spoke for the amendment, Darren
Fazackerley spoke against the amendment. CARRIED 41 for, 9 against, 11 abstentions.
Proposal of Motion 3 - ‘Consultations with members in the Greater London region will take place between June 2016 and January 2017 to establish the viability and structures of the Greater London region’.
Proposer – Jeff Barber
Seconder – Linda Kavanagh
Jeff Barber and Linda Kavanagh spoke for the amendment; Darren
Fazackerley urged that if the motion was carried members were able to opt in or out of the new region.
CARRIED 41 for, 5 against, 3 abstentions.
Information about the pros and cons of Company Audit/Company Inspection - Russell Chapman
The new rules give the Society an option to choose an inspection of their accounts instead of an audit. In order for the members present to make an informed choice, Russell Chapman gave an outline of the two procedures and gave his view that an inspection would be more bene cial for the Society. There is less cost and bureaucracy in an inspection and that leaves room for bespoke reports to be commissioned into elements such as investments. If the members vote for an inspection they do always have the option to ask for an audit.
Vote on whether to choose an inspection rather than an audit Proposer Dave Morris
Seconder Steve Clements
Dave Morris spoke for the inspection choice, Maurice Lander
spoke against.
CARRIED 49 for, 2 against, 1 abstention.
Nominations and Elections
Regional Representative for:
Wales South East Southern Yorkshire North West
Standing Orders:
Professor Ron Jones Libby Earle
Alan Horner Steve Clements Jenny Crawford Tony Heeson John Irwin
Honorary Life Vice President Appointments
Shirley Fleetwood for work in the East Midlands Region and on the National Management Committee.
Don Booth for his work in the North West Region.
Jim Tandy Award
Dennis Sutton for work with Cheltenham and District Allotment Holders Association and the Gloucester Federation of Gardeners.
Honorary Life Members
Rosemary and Colin Smith for their work undertaking the Malvern show twice a year for the past ten years on behalf of the National Allotment Society.
The Management Committee would like to thank Kings Seeds, MCPC and Dalefoot Composts
for providing stands at the AGM in York.

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