Page 41 - ALG Issue 3 2016
P. 41

• Recycles kitchen scraps into abundant organic veg
• Rotates - space efficient and easy to use
• •
p p
and compost tea
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s s
t t
• Vertical container composting/growing system
• Integrated central wormery
• 50 plants in 1 sqm2
What a Handimoova!
Last year we had a huge Acacia tree taken down in our garden and I thought it might be quite nice to save some of the trunk to make into quirky garden seats. However, as with all my bright ideas, I hadn’t actually thought it through properly.
The area where I wanted the tree trunks is right at the top of the garden, up a gravel pathway, then crossing the entire length of the lawn and  nally over some new grass seed. How on earth was I going to transport these massive bits of wood without damaging three tricky surfaces?
Then, luckily, I was asked to trial the Handimoova. Having tried sack barrows in various guises before and been disappointed by the mess they can make, I was sceptical.
My wife bought the folded up machine from the garage and the  rst thing I noticed was how light it was. Then the pessimistic side of me chimed in with “well if it’s that light it’s not going to shift those stumps easily” – wrong!
With a quick movement the wheels clicked down into place and the barrow was ready to use. The load bed was a decent size and the handles were long enough to be comfortable, even for my six foot frame. I slid the stump on to the trolley and couldn’t believe the ease with which it travelled over the gravel without spinning stones left and right. Even the grassy slope that leads up to the main lawn was a doddle. Considering its heavy load, it was effortless to turn corners, on gravel or grass. The large bowl shaped wheels made light work
of the lawn and the new grass seed. You could barely see where the barrow had travelled – absolutely amazing!
I moved three stumps, a couple of huge planters and some turf – all without a problem.
I don’t mind being proved wrong when something is this good. Just don’t make me give it back, it’s too darn handy!
See advert on following page for more details.

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