Page 32 - Oundle Life August 2024
P. 32

     Picture credits: ©Tamatsukuri Onsen, ©Mike Swigunski and ©David Lovejoyand
Snow monkeys
Lazy afternoons in the onsen aren’t just for humans. In Yudanaka Onsen, groups of Japanese macaques, or snow monkeys, take respite from harsh winters in their very own hot spring baths. Nothing deters them from taking a dip, so visitors are welcome to walk to the clearing and snap them in action (or inaction!).
Unique accommodation
For something different, a night or two at an authentic ryokan (inn) is a must. They feature traditional interiors, including sliding paper doors and tatami mat floors, along with delicate multi-course dinners and a private onsen.
Those interested in getting in touch with their spiritual side should swap the frenetic city life with serene temple lodgings. Mount Koya is a calm and secluded monastic retreat where you can stay in a shukubo, with tatami mat floors, beautifully presented vegetarian meals and an opportunity to join monks in meditation.
Beautiful gardens
Gardens are serious business and the perfect antidote to the modern skyscraper strewn Japanese cities. They are curated and cultivated to exceptional standards. Expect pretty pagodas,
lily ponds, vibrant flowers, wooden bridges, tea houses, Zen rock gardens, waterfalls and streams of koi carp.
Sumo stables
Two large loincloth-clad wrestlers battling it out is unmistakably Japanese. Becoming a sumo wrestler takes several years of tough training
at a heya, or stable, where they eat, sleep and train. Tournaments take place regularly, but for a unique experience, get up early and watch the wrestlers’ gruelling schedule at a Tokyo stable.
Take the train
In Japan, public transport is a revered way to travel and huge importance is given to making journeys as efficient and pleasant as possible. None more so than by taking the train. The Shinkansen bullet train stylishly glides between stations, reaching speeds of up to 200mph and is a fantastic way to get across the country.
   I can build any of these into a tailor-made or escorted tour itinerary with specialist Tour Operators and can create the perfect Classic Japan experience for first-time visitors.
SJP Holidays,

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