Page 113 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 113
Initial Operating Capacity!
Initial Operating Capacity! IOC is the current status of DMRC, it’s taken longer than expected but we have made it.
I can start by saying we have fully completed our transition from Headley Court to Stanford Hall. Since my last report I can honestly say that we have come a long way, from an empty shell of a building site that was Stanford Hall, to a fully furnished working facility. We have achieved the task set upon us, but in typical military fashion its straight onto the next task. Our main focus now is to establish a platform from which we can continue to develop the clinical service that we provide here at DMRC.
Although we are now through the door, we still have some way to go to establish our full operating capacity and for all building works to be fully completed, however we seem to be almost there. We started to see patients trickle feed in from Oct 18, it was also around this time that we started to run Force Generation courses. We officially became IOC in Jan 19 and since then the number of in-patients through our doors have started to ramp up. As with any new facility we have come up against many issues and stumbling blocks and no doubt will continue to do so for some time until we can truly begin to master our new surroundings.
Looking back over the last 12 months, it has been quite the journey. From traveling back and forth from Headley to Stanford to visit the site, to moving in and having to wear hi-viz jackets and hard helmets on site, to re-locating our equipment into the facility and finally pulling everything together. Making it all work has truly been an experience, one that I won’t forget in in a hurry.
CT – Team
Court Yard – (DMRC)
CT gym
Hand bike (DMRC)
Burns Night (DMRC)