Page 143 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 143
SSgt (SSI) A Stoby RAPTC
The Aldershot Garrison Sports Centre was the venue for the Army Inter Corps Championships 2018. High on success from the previous year where the A team promoted back into division 1 as winners and the B team promoted into division 2. The bar was once again high, with the intent set to maintain our respective positions. Unfortunately, the competition proved fierce and sadly both teams were relegated – We’ll be back!
In true Corps spirit we didn’t focus on the negatives of the situation, instead concentrated on the achievement of gathering 12 Corps players from various locations across the world. At times this feels like a challenge, however the team commitment is evident.
Members of the SRA also had a strong showing in the Army Individual Squash Championships, with myself drawn in the elite category, Capt (MAA) Windard and WO2 (QMSI) McLay in the A grade, and SSgt (SSI) Wilson in the B grade. After a tough draw, Q McLay found himself in the final of the A grade, which he went on to win.
The SRA, also arranged a fixture against the recently reformed Infantry Squash team. Having had a few years out of the fold their team captain wanted to introduce them back into a competitive environment. The meet was so well received that it was decided this should be an annual event. As it stands it’s 1 – 0 to the Infantry.
WO1 (SMI) Walbrook was also recognised for his achievements and continued dedication to RAPTC squash, when to his surprise he was awarded his Corps Colours. Even when assigned in Cyprus, he still finds the time to leave the beach and boat; making the long journey to support the SRA at the Inter Corps Championships.
Lastly, WO2 (QMSI) Read is putting the finishing touches to an overseas visit to Thailand in 2020, which presents the perfect opportunity and platform for any newly badged Corps men and women to display a commitment to the sport and be selected to attend this once in a life time experience. There are also various training camps and matches all planned around the Corps calendar. For further information please contact SSgt (SSI) Stoby in the first instance.
Maj (MAA) Hughes RAPTC presenting Colours to WO1 (SMI) Walbrook RAPTC
RAPTC Vs Infantry Team