Page 6 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
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  Inspiration is not a word normally associated with the RAPTC’s annual journal; Mind, Body & Spirit (MBS) but, Lt Col (MAA) M Lewis RAPTC mentions in his
article, in this edition “as a young Assistant Instructor Physical Training he was inspired by the articles and photos in the MBS which confirmed he wanted to be a member of the RAPTC”. Over 29 years later, a full career in the Corps and retiring as a Lt Col and, it is fair to say the MBS made a lasting impression which led to a long and fulfilling career.
Early in our careers we all need role models to inspire
and enthuse us; I am sure, all serving and retired
members of the Corps will have fond memories of the
person who encouraged and helped them achieve
their goal of transferring into the RAPTC. It is encouraging to note that the Corps continues to develop role models for future generations and these role models are maintaining the reputation of the Corps, which is held in high regard across the Armed Forces.
The MBS is a medium we use to showcase the opportunities the Corps has to offer and, to record the diverse roles, exploits, adventures and experiences of our role models from across the Corps and RAPTC Association.
We should be proud of our annual journal and I do believe that inspiration can be associated with the MBS. I would urge all members of the Corps to encourage a wide and varied readership, from recruits and their All Arms Physical Training Instructors (for inspiration), through to their Chain of Command (highlighting the
versatility and diverse roles of the Corps) to emphasise what our Corps Officers’ and Instructors’ bring to the Army.
Time is precious, so I am most grateful to all the contributors who used their time to submit articles and photos for this edition which once again, provides a current snapshot of life in the Army and the Corps for future generations. I am also indebted to those who have submitted articles which did not make the final editorial cut; please be assured your articles and photos will be kept in our archives for historical reference.
Inspiration comes in many forms, so who knows, this edition may help inspire a young All Arms Physical Training Instructor to go onto a full career in the Corps and become the Senior Master at Arms in 2048?
Editorial Notes
The Editor accepts photographs for publication on the understanding that those submitting them have, where required by data protection legislation, obtained consent to publication from those depicted. Anyone who believes this is not the case or has a Data Protection Act related concern should contact the Editor.
The views expressed in this journal are those of the writers and should not be interpreted as MOD policy.
Lt Col (Retd) G B Jones
Commandant Royal Army Physical Training Corps
Brigadier Chamberlain commissioned into the Light Infantry in April 1991. He has served in the COIN, Light, Jungle, Airmobile,
Mechanised and Armoured infantry roles.
He has deployed on four operational tours in Northern Ireland, three in Iraq and to Afghanistan and has commanded on operations at all ranks less Colonel. This has included command of light role infantry fire support and rifle companies, an armoured infantry company, an armoured infantry battalion, and a light infantry brigade (19 Lt Bde).
He instructed at the School of Infantry on the infantry
platoon commanders’ course as a captain and, as
both a major and brigadier, at the Joint Services Command and Staff College on the Intermediate Command and Staff Course (Land).
As a Staff Officer he has been an armoured brigade Chief of Staff (4 Armd Bde - including in Iraq on Op TELIC 5), Military Assistant to the Commander-in-Chief Land Forces as a Lieutenant Colonel and Assistant Director Personal Services 2 (Army) in Headquarters Land Forces as a Colonel. As a Brigadier he served on the Army Staff in the Ministry of Defence as The Brigadier General Staff, spent 7 months in the Army Headquarters as Chief of Staff of the 2015 Army Command Review Team, and has been Director of the Army Division of the Joint Services Command and Staff College. In September
2018 he became Head of the Army’s Individual Development Branch, expanding the role in January 2019 to become Head of Personnel Policy (Army) and Director Manning (Army). Additionally, in Afghanistan he was Deputy Commander (Army) within the NATO Training Mission (Afghanistan) and subsequently Director of the Afghan Ministry of Defence’s Ministerial Advisory Group.
Brigadier Chamberlain is a graduate of the Advanced Command and Staff Course (ACSC 4), the Higher Command and Staff Course (2011) and the Defence Strategic Leadership Programme (2011). He has a joint honours degree in Politics and Geography from Birmingham University (1990),
is a Graduate of the City and Guilds Institute (1999), holds a Masters’ degree from Cranfield University (2000), is a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute (2015), and in 2017 attained a Masters’ level Post Graduate Certificate in Higher and Professional Education from Staffordshire University.
Additional responsibilities include: Commandant of the Royal Army Physical Training Corps (RAPTC), Trustee of the RAPTC Association, Trustee of the RAPTC Museum, Member of the Army Sports Control Board (ASCB) and Trustee of the ASCB Charitable Fund, Member of the Light Infantry Regimental Committee and a Primary School Foundation Governor. He is Chairman of the Trenchard Lines shoot.

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