Page 121 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2015-16
P. 121

Maj (MAA) B J Stoddart RAPTC
As Command advisor of PD for BFC including Op TOSCA, there are approximately 3,400 Tri Service personnel with just over 2,000 of them being Army. In addition we have approximately 2,000 dependents that we look after and with Op SHADER in its infancy, we have another 700+ personnel who have descended on Cyprus; therefore ‘PD’ does have its challenges. The very glue that binds the PD machine together as one would expect is our RAPTCIs and the current crop I have on island are all high calibre. I would like to thank them for everything they deliver and how they rise to every challenge in a very professional manner. Although JSATW(C) comes under the command of ATG (A), I am very fortunate to have my ‘older’ brother Capt Sean Semple RAPTC and his RAPTCIs on island who always offer a helping hand
to all competitions despite their extremely busy appointments delivering AT. I will not dwell on my introduction too much as the RAPTCIs on the ground will talk about their respective Units and the challenges they have faced this year. However, one of the highlights of my tour was cycling to the top of Mt Olympus with the Comdt and then putting him in the famous ‘Stoddy’ headlock, however we only got a photo of Brig John holding me in a headlock.
This will be my  nal notes as I move onto ARTD and hand over to Maj ‘Mick’ Warwick by the time this goes to press. I have had an absolute ball - the infrastructure, opportunities, and location are a dream, especially for Sport and AT, oh, and not forgetting the 326 days of sunshine so if you get offered the post.... grab it!
Brig John Donnelly holding Maj (MAA) B Stoddart RAPTC in the famous ‘Stoddy Headlock’
SSgt (SSI) M MacLaughlan RAPTC
Having spent the last 5 years as an ERI at RRU Edinburgh and AFC Harrogate, the time to move into mainstream had arrived and to top it off my new job would be in sunny
Cyprus with 2 PWRR. In November 15 the Battalion held a Sports Dinner and the Commanding Of cer expressed his clear intent that 2 PWRR sportsmen and women should be given every opportunity to represent the Battalion, Infantry or Army in their chosen sport. This has seen the introduction of a sports morning which is conducted once a week in order to  nd and develop the talent within the Battalion. All sports teams are having a successful season which has seen the Cross Country team being crowned BFC league winners. The Cricket team making the  nal of the Cyprus cup and with the football and rugby season still on-going both teams are respectfully placed.
Nov 15 saw A Coy take part in the Spencer Trophy. The Spencer Trophy is a Platoon competition which looks to identify the best Platoon in the Battalion. The event lasts 3 days which sees the Platoons take on a series of challenges. The PT staff are heavily involved in the event and are responsible for the safe running of
Spencer Trophy
several stands. Everyone’s favourite (or least favourite) event was the stretcher and equipment race. The event  nished with a 2 mile March and Shoot and as always the troops showed the physical and mental robustness required of an Infantry Soldier. The remaining Company’s will conduct the Spencer Trophy in April 16.
March 16 saw the CBF Cup take place at Dhekelia Garrison. The aim of the event was to provide an annual platform for BFC military personnel to engage in a competitive festival of sport and galvanise grass roots sport across BFC. All units on Island took part in the event and 11 sports were conducted on the day. The day was a fantastic success for all involved and to top it off 2 PWRR were the overall winners.
So far the role has been demanding but also very satisfying. The Battalion will be switching roles in the not too distant future from the Reserve Infantry Battalion (RIB) to Cyprus Ops. This will offer a greater opportunity for the troops to conduct more Inter Company sport and AT. Cyprus is a beautiful Island and a great posting, one that I would strongly recommend to any RAPTCI.

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