Page 56 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2015-16
P. 56

Tue 29 Sep 15, marked an
historic occasion for The
Royal Regiment of Scotland
with an operational handover
between 2 of the Regiment’s
Battalions. The transfer of
authority parade at Ledra Palace
Hotel, Nicosia, saw The Black
Watch (3 SCOTS) handing over
Op TOSCA to The Royal Scots
Borderers (1 SCOTS). The 1
SCOTS battlegroup includes
50 Army Reservists from The
2nd Battalion The Royal Irish
Regiment (2 R IRISH) and
the Royal Logistic Corps to
make up a 240 personnel with
the battlegroup. Britain has
deployed troops to Cyprus with
the UN since 1974 and they
continue to support the UN Force in Cyprus.
Being in Cyprus has brought many opportunities for the battlegroup in the form of a sunny climate, adventurous training (AT) and sport. The CO’s intent is for the whole battlegroup to conduct Type 2 and 4 AT, to include mountain biking, climbing, kayaking, parachuting and diving. Another of the CO’s intent was to enter as many sporting competitions both in Cyprus and Northern Ireland simultaneously. Some of our successes include winning the United Nations Force, Ex UNIFYING CHALLENGE; this is an Inter-Sector military skills competition, unfortunately I didn’t make the team selection. The battlegroup entered 2 teams, both representative of soldiers from 1 SCOTS, 2 R IRISH, RE and RLC. The Sector 2B team, led by Cpl McKee R IRISH, came  rst with Sector 2A, led by 2Lt Collard SCOTS coming third. A convincing overall win for Sector 2 against the other UN sectors.
The unit has also won the Dhekelia Dash 15, which is a  fteen mile relay race, with each competitor running one mile.
At the time of writing this I am planning a major cycling event which will take place Mar 16, 11 Regular and Reserve soldiers from the battlegroup will be cycling 1100km over 7 days circumnavigating the whole of Cyprus. This will include an ascent of the region’s largest mountain, Mount Olympus and all proceeds will be donating to the ABF.
SSgt (SSI) R Hughes RAPTC
5Regiment Army Air Corps are based at Aldergrove Flying Station, Northern Ireland. The Regiment’s Mission: To
provide Joint Helicopter Command Force Elements at Readiness, in order to meet directed Military Tasks.
Sport in the Regiment is one of the Commanding Of cer’s priorities. This ensures the Regiment competes in all sporting events within province, and has also hosted a number of Brigade level events, such as the 38 (Irish) Brigade Volleyball and 6 a side Football Championships. There are also a number
SSgt (SSI) C Morton RAPTC
of Sub-Unit competitions contested throughout the year such as - CO’s Cup and the RSM’s Cup. Recently the Regiment achieved 2nd place in the Army Sports Trophy Awards, Minor Unit category.
The Regiment continues to compete regularly in the Northern Ireland Cross Country League and have won both, the Northern Ireland Relay Championships and Team Championships in 2015/16 season. In addition to this, the Cross Country team deployed to Cyprus in November 2015 and  nished 2rd
5 Regt AAC CO’s Cup
SSgt Hughes receiving Dhekelia Dash trophy
UN SECTOR 2 Winners
UN SECTOR 2 Winners
The UN battlegroup will return back to Belfast in Apr 16, and they look forward to another busy year, to include exercises, military competitions, Battalion and Bde level boxing as well as the highly competitive Bde Steeplechase event where we plan to retain our title.

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