Page 95 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2015-16
P. 95

Throughout the training year instructional staff from JSMTC conduct Mission Critical Training (MCT); this is carried out to ensure that JSMTC has the capability to deliver courses from foundation through to instructor level. MCT also ensures that instructors remain current and competent which requires them to be up to date and current with any policy and procedural changes in any given activity.
January 2016 saw members of JSMTW (I) deploying to Scotland to prepare for various Winter Mountaineering training and assessment courses ranging from Winter Mountain Leader Training through to Winter Climbing Leader and British Mountain Guide Winter assessments. Running concurrently with the Scottish Winter deployment, some Instructors deployed to the Alpine Training Centre (ATC), situated in the Allgäu region of
Bavaria to take part in a BASI Level 2 Ski course. This course which is run outside of the JSAT scheme, helps instructors to bridge the gap from delivering basic level ski courses to being able to analyse faults and correct ski techniques in already advanced level skiers. MCT is critical to ensuring the continuity and depth of courses that are available to Service personnel from JSMTC.
Class One Training Bene ts
Although the training and output standards have not changed, the move from Llanrwst to JSMTC allows training to be tailored in order to maximise development. JSMTC is manned by highly quali ed AT instructors with wing locations being ideally located in order to facilitate training. Class One AT training is able to capitalise on the larger resources that JSMTC provides. JSMTC AT specialists are utilised to deliver speci c courses, for example BCU Level 5 coaches deliver Canoe Instructor Level 1 (CI1), this is highly bene cial in having extremely knowledgeable coaches, and students are able to reference this to other PT and sporting  elds which in turn supports the Class 1s’ development as RAPTCIs’.
In addition to the routine AT courses, class one students that already hold the output standards are able to further develop and gain additional quali cations, in the past, training year students have gained leader awards in rock climbing, caved in North Yorkshire, conducted winter climbing and mountaineering in Scotland and even paddled in Slovenia!
Resilience Margin (ReM) Training
Resilience Margin (ReM) is where personnel who are not in established assignments are placed for administration purposes (ie. Long Courses, sickness, Operational or elite Sports).
Candidates on the ReM bene t from the highly quali ed instructors working within JSMTC, and bespoke training programmes are formalised taking advantage of the many exercises and concentrations that JSMTC has to offer.
Sgt (SI) Dave Mudge, the  rst ReM candidate for JSMTC attended the JSMTW (Ballachulish) Kayak Concentration; ski development through centralised JSMTC winter staff training and the Winter
Concentration held in Scotland. Further development is provided through shadowing/mentoring of JSMTC Instructors, this includes additional ATI duties through; planning, evaluation, course report writing and lecture delivery. Candidates on the ReM will not only be JSAT quali ed but will be equipped with the knowledge needed to work within a high tempo Type 4 environment.
Sgt (SI) Danny Meehan performing well on Spanrock
WO2 (QMSI) ML Fletcher RAPTC
Capt (MAA) G Logan RAPTC
The Of cer Commanding (OC) of the Joint Service Mountain Training Wing (Indefatigable) (JSMTW (I)) was historically a RAF Of cer position until 2014. Following an RAF internal AT restructure which resulted in the Corps moving all RAPTC AT Training from Llanrwst to Indefatigable in Sep 14 the OC position became a Corps liability. JSMTW (I) is the largest of the JSMTC Training Wings with a 15 strong instructional team comprising of 9 military and 6 civilian staff. Training comprises of Type 4 JSAT courses, PTI Class 1 AT training, RAPTC ATI training through the Resilience Margin (ReM) and AT Incremental Instructor
training. Planning and management of such a diverse range of training can be complex and I am ably assisted in this task by both WO2 (QMSI) Reeves Wing Sergeant Major (WSM) and WO2 (QMSI) Fletcher (TCWO). Despite a hectic training schedule there are also opportunities for professional development which facilitates a healthy balance of business and individual needs.
To give you a  avour of the training delivered and undertaken at JSMTW (I) the following extracts have been compiled by the RAPTCIs within the Wing.

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