Page 11 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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    Jade Davis is on maternity leave following the birth of their little boy. With SO3 G1 (WO1 Paul Holden MBE) working at distance to shield (in order to protect the oldest serving man in the Corps) and the SO2 P&P stepping into the SMAA office next door the only person to help maintain the same level of conversation and continue the same level of work load was ‘Blue’ (his face says it all).
HQ RAPTC has continued to strive for excellence in order to serve our members, serving and retired. The continued support from ASPT, ensuring Force Health Protection measures are in place, has meant we have been able to continue to recruit and train Physical Training Instructor at every level. A large part of 2020 has
The RAPTC non- commissioned education pathway
continued to be spent displaced from firm base and ‘Working from Home’; without MODnet for most. An initial issue of COVID-19 laptops helped, further enhanced by the early Christmas present of the partial issue of My Laptops to HQ RAPTC staff. 2021 will see the arrival of new staff in the P&P office, with Maj Mark Field and Capt Steve Green. Hopefully they will be able to plan and execute F2F events and we will see dinner nights again soon, allowing us to say goodbye to friends properly. Unfortunately, there are no HQ RAPTC photographs of team building (other than virtual ones) or AT this year, which will hopefully change for the next MBS. HQ RAPTC did manage to squeeze in a socially distanced photograph in 2020 when restrictions allowed.
PT Online Training and Development 2020/21
Needless to say, since March 20, things within HQ RAPTC have been different for us all. For all the negatives that COVID-19 has brought, one of the positives is that it has enabled us to look at alternative avenues for how we design and deliver the various PTI training packages (ADT, CPD etc.). We knew that we had to
create a virtual platform that would afford all PT trained personnel the opportunity to remain current whether they had access to MODNET or not. Using Defence Connect to host the ‘Trained Personnel: Training and Development’ page was simple, however the challenge of designing the plethora of content we wanted to produce wasn’t. Fortunately, the team (consisting of WO2 Ian
WO2 (QMSI) R Harnden Senior Analyst
 HQ RAPTC socially distanced staff photograph

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