Page 143 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 143

   OSV South Africa – Community engagement
  OSV Gibraltar
In 2022, RAPTC FC plan to conduct an overseas sports visit to Toronto, Canada, or if that fails to St Vincent the home of one of our players, SSgt (SSI) Charles. I speak for the whole team that after the last year, we are very much looking forward to getting back together again training, playing matches and hopefully delivering coaching clinics to local schools – not forgetting the banter. Moreover, we plan to conduct some cultural visits, community and military engagements.
On behalf of the team, I would like to congratulate our chairman Capt (MAA) Lee Davison on his promotion to Maj. We wish you all the best in your new role based in Abbey Wood. We thank you for your unwavering support to Corps football which will hopefully continue for many years to come.
OSV Barbados 2013
WO2 (QMSI) Lee Hathaway has now stepped down from his role as club secretary, however the team will still benefit from him as a player. During his time as secretary, Lee has ensured the team functioned professionally both on and off the pitch. The RAPTC FC are thankful for his continued loyalty to Corps football.
Following WO1 (SMI) Essams’ successful selection for commission into the AAC, we wish him the best of luck in his new role and thank him for his commitment to RAPTC football.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Service Sport and L4Teamwear for their continued support in sponsoring the team.

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