Page 15 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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Lt Col (MAA) N O’Shea RAPTC
Astrange but as always, a busy year in the Corps, as I write I reflect on two roles, firstly as SO2 Trg Dev, HQ RAPTC and now as SO1 Ind Trg having be assigned back to Army HQ (AHQ).
Training Development Team
Whilst I’ve moved on from SO2 Trg Dev, the period Apr to Dec was hugely productive despite Working from Home (WfH). However, C-19 restrictions have presented real issues, management, mentoring and delivering at distance/virtually, also there have been opportunities, a more agile and adaptive working approach. HQ and TDT deliverables are a team effort but the main muscle movers are the analysts, a seasoned and motivated bunch, overcoming initial WfH difficulties the team started to be productive. Alongside routine business TDT have delivered an array of outputs, a virtual and engaging Annual Deficiency Training package, developed a new PT Leader Concept (a Fd Army requirement), designed a new eLogbook, supported PES Non GCC R&D and implementation, support Army media projects (recruiting and the lived experienced) and a huge commitment to digitise the Lone Soldier PT Programme into the new ‘My Army Fitness’ App. Given the level and scope of work, the team have stepped up and excelled. And finally, I finished the Proj 5 – PD Infrastructure Study (the ToR Scope was wider that the title suggests); the project has been a real ball and chain, after a lengthy data analyses, a comprehensive report was presented to Hd Pers Pol(A) in December.
Seeking efficiencies Fox lines interdependencies have developed, with Maj Jack Horner at the R&D helm, research and TDT work threads dovetail so Corps training and development is more evidence based. In the summer Jack moved and Capt Joe Foreshew arrived from his MSc, both have been excellent work colleagues, bringing an academic focus and support to HQ business. The TDT & CDC relationship has grown, Capt Jess Jessey (OC CDC) is open minded and proactive, resulting in joint DSAT business that is cohering more optimal training solutions; other developments (PTE Scaling, S&CC design etc) are reaching wider in support of Army Capability. Whilst TDT staffing has been stable this year, there has been some departure. In early May we said goodbye to WO1 Gary Chekansky, sadly the Army and Corps have lost a quality operator, he’s been missed as the TSA; having kept in touch he’s enjoying quality family time and busy promoting up the Amazon ladder. Sgt Steph Harris moved to ASPT Trg Wing in December, his tenure was excellent seeing him grow in maturity, a great start in the Corps. The whole team have been excellent, stepping up and delivering when asked. In a year with little reward or highlights (a socially distanced and virtual ‘Secret Santa’) and a busy demanding tempo I would like to thank the whole team; those not already mentioned but absolutely critical are WO2s Roger Harden (covering TSA), Ian Lester and SSgt Rich Moody,
for their total commitment and dedication. Good assignments are based on working relationships, I have really enjoyed the company and support from all HQ staff and usually Jules has kept us all in check, thank you.
Professional Development (Prof Dev) Branch
During my last interview as SO2 AT & Sport Policy with Colonel Mark (Lewis) we discussed future assignments and he warned ‘be careful what you wish for’ and less than 2 years later I was back on the Prof Dev floor plate for a SO1 Ind Trg HO/TO session. During this short session the reality of this SO1 role started to dawn and on arrival in January the job’s portfolio was laid bare by the AH (Col Kirsten Dagless), gaps, warts and all. As SO2 Trg Dev I’d worked closely with Prof Dev on a few projects and threads, this has helped but I’m still amazed by the range of business this SO1 role manages whilst covering critical gaps. After 4 months of unrelenting tempo with weekly AHQ curve balls, briefing in a new D Pers and Hd Pers Pol, my role knowledge has improved; with the support of a strong team I’ve weathered the initial storm.
Prof Dev’s current portfolio is huge; PD, Soldier & Officer Training & Education Pathway, all Pan Army generic Individual Training Policy and TRA roles, PES R&D & management, Climatic Injuries & SCT policy, TDT functions, App development and there’s more. If that wasn’t enough, we’re now pivoting to get after the Integrated Review on a new operating model; with a large staff churn this summer I’m watching the storm clouds on the horizon. At the time of writing we’ve bid farewell to Majors Mark Field and Sid Saunders, they’ve greatly supported me, been excellent Corps ambassadors and well respected in the directorate. Sid will not be replaced so there is one PES desk officer to manage PES next steps and the growing portfolio of Programme Optimising Physical Performance, which included the remaining Prog THOR projects. Maj Iain Bareham recently arrived to take over from Mark, a great replacement who will quickly add value around the complexities of the PT desk. Maj Sean Semple arrived back in Oct 20 to take over from Maj Russ Reid’s productive tenure on the AT & Sport desk. He’s settled in well and achieving some very good quick wins on a demanding policy desk covering 3 policies and much more; no easy feat whilst WfH with little working awareness of AHQ business. Whilst I have not mentioned them, there are a further two SO2s and the TDT within the Individual Training lane covering many other policies and projects. As I look forward, the next few years will be busy and diverse so getting onto the front of my learning wave will make for an easier ride, isn’t it strange how a sea paddling analogy can drift into focus when stick behind a PC all day. In closing I’d like to sincerely thank the team for their dedication and support, and I’ll let them appraise you of their desk business, some complex and demanding projects, delivered and executed excellently.