Page 150 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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  2020 had the potential of being one of the best years of squash since I assumed the appointment of Secretary in 2015. The squash standard year on year has improved and I was
convinced this would be evident in the 4 main competitions we had ordinarily entered, which were the Army Inter Corps Championships, Army Individual Championships, RAPTC Championships and the RAPTC Association Championships, as well as the civilian matches we arrange to further train and test the team.
The jewel in the crown above our crossed swords for 2020 was going to be an overseas visit to Thailand, with tour organiser WO2 (QMSI) Dave Read convincing us this was a squash orientated nation. However, early in the year uncertainty loomed and eventually it slowly became accepted that this would be a year where no trophies would be engraved and all competitions, including the OSV to Thailand were cancelled. In true Corps fashion we have maintained comms, trained where possible - solo and sides, when restrictions were lifted. Before a second and third lockdown took everyone back to square one with all courts closed.
With little to nothing to report on for this issue I find myself reflecting on what the team has achieved in my relatively short tenure:
2014 New York
Prior to this tour 4 members had very little playing experience. I can honestly say we are now established members, ready to pick up the baton as the more mature members consider retirement.
WO2 (QMSI) O’Donnell, SSgt (SSI) Wilson, SSgt (SSI) Stoby, WO2 (QMSI) Read, Lt Col (SMAA) Hughes, Capt Carey, WO2 (QMSI) McLay, Mr Turton.
New York – The team on route for another grueling training session
2016 – Maj Hughes (now SMAA) taking the silverware. presented by the Chairman at the time Capt Billy Young (now Maj)
To coincide with the closure of the ASPT (G). It was becoming obvious that the younger members of the team had the skill, stamina and attitude to begin competing within the long standing seedings of the ‘A’ and ‘B’ team!
2017 – Cyprus – The SRA vs Akrotiri Station
SSgt (SSI) Stoby, WO2 (QMSI) Read, WO1 (SMI) Mann, Capt Carey, Maj (MAA) Windard, SSgt (SSI) Wilson, WO2 (QMSI).
Narrowly losing to the RAF Akrotiri Station team, a much-needed morale boost was needed to reflect and re-group. An afternoon at the beach provided this opportunity where we were able to watch WO1 (SMI) Mann practicing for the RAPTC Gymnastics team.
2018 – RAPTC vs Infantry SRA
SSgt (SSI) Stoby, Maj (MAA) Windard, SSgt (SSI) Wilson, Lt Col (SMAA) Hughes, WO2 (QMSI) McLay.
This was the inaugural event of what has become an annual event, which currently sits at 1 - 1 in matches.
2019 – RAPTC Squash Championships
A great turn out for the Championships. Little did we know at the time that this would be one of the last competitive matches before the whole of 2020 was cancelled and a return to court was not looking likely until the back end of 2021 at the earliest.
With a 4 step road map to normality, the team are planning to finally complete the OSV to Thailand in March 22, and if all goes well the next edition of the MBS will allow us to report on all the squash events the SRA have competed in.
Germany – A final photo before the ASPT (G) closure
2019 – L-R. SSgt (SSI) Stoby, Maj (MAA) Windard, SSgt (SSI) Wilson, Lt Col (SMAA) Hughes, WO2 (QMSI) McLay
SSgt (SSI) A Stoby RAPTC

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