Page 178 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 178
Force Atlantic 21 are the official Army Mixed team entering into the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge (TWAC) in 2021. The aspiration is to showcase the ability of the RAPTC by linking
to Physical and Mental Resilience (Mens Sana in Corpore Sano), whilst also sharing in the societal shift of gender equality and how we as a Corps have been leading from the front. The campaign itself is huge, far greater than I ever imagined and I was warned by the first RAPTC legend to row an Ocean, Capt (MAA) Chris Hames RAPTC. For those not aware, let me provide you with a little detail into what it is we are embarking on;
Who. A 4-person ‘Official’ Mixed Army team all from within the RAPTC, consisting of myself (SP) as Project Lead, with WO1 (SMI) Victoria Blackburn (VB) as Future Plans Lead, SSgt (SSI) Phil Welch (PW) as Training and Nutrition Lead and Sgt (SI) Laura Barrigan (LB) as Media Lead.
What. TWAC is a 3000-mile row from La Gomera, Canary Islands to Antigua, unsupported. The journey is likely to take between 35-45 days depending on crew resilience and the weather. During those days at sea the team will be operating a pattern of 2 hours rowing and 2 hours off where they will need to eat, sleep and conduct both personal and vessel administration.
Why. We believe in our narrative about equality and challenging our physical, mental resilience but we have also aligned our individual and team goals to win, and set a new mixed team world record. Our priority is to break the world record and that currently
stands at 42 days, 10 hours and 26 minutes. As a team we are also using this opportunity to raise money for charity which is the Royal British Legion and donations can be accepted on our Just Giving with Force Atlantic 21.
Where. The race starts in La Gomera, Canary Islands which is where Christopher Columbus set sail from and found the Americas over to English Harbour in Antigua, an old British Naval base.
When. The team depart to La Gomera on 28 Nov 21 for 2 weeks of final inspections both on land and in the water before departing on 12 Dec 21 (weather permitting).
How. You can follow our journey through social media, we are operating on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, just search Force Atlantic. More importantly you can track us through the event using the Yellow Brick App, select the TWAC race and watch our dot as we row across the Atlantic Ocean.
Finally, I will leave you with one fear and look forward to from each team member:
SP Fear. Nothing is sacrificed to achieve our goal. We plan effectively and we operate as a tight, focused and trusted team. Look forward to. The teamwork, the magnitude of the event and the finish.
VB Fear. Somehow letting the team down which may be a biproduct of sleep deprivation and the inability to carry out a basic task when functioning on minimal resources. VB Look forward to. I am very much looking forward to seeing the marine life, the eco system and vastness of the ocean. There are very few chances in life where we are given the opportunity to witness something incredible.
PW Fear. If the unthinkable happens and we don’t get to finish it. PW Look forward to. The whole experience and being part of this adventure with this team.
LB Fear. Being unable to adapt to my sleep operating a pattern off 2 hours on and 2 hours off. LB Look forward to. Pushing my body to the extremes to see what I’m capable off.
Capt (MAA) S Pollock RAPTC
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