Page 29 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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As I entered my first few months in post at the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards, it was clear to see that this would be a very challenging yet rewarding job. Week one in the new job and I was pulling out my “doss bag and applying my cam cream”, to deploy on Pre – Deployment Training and live range packages, in preparation for Op Shader 11.
In early Oct 20, I deployed to Iraq as part of Op Shader 11 and in support of NATO. I was employed as the Staff Assistant within NATO Mission Iraq, responsible for providing Professional Military Education to the Iraqi Security Forces, Baghdad. Daily work life would incorporate the chance to travel to various Iraqi Military Educational Institutes, to showcase our teaching abilities and contribute to helping and developing their Leadership and Military Programmes.
Alongside the main job role, there were plenty of chances to incorporate fitness within a NATO environment. Each week a different NATO Nation would host a team fitness event, it was
good to see how many Nations had “Team Murph” ready to go as a session.
Even though the Battalion were deployed over 3000 miles away from the UK. 1CG ensured that on 11 Sep 20, a Remembrance Parade was held within Baghdad, to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. The Canadian Military also joined the parade and held a 10km Remembrance run for all Nations willing to take part.
With a quick turn around and a POTL that was cut short, Jan 21, seen the Battalion deployed across the country, as part of Op RESCRIPT. The Battalion worked tirelessly to ensure vaccines and Covid-19 tests were delivered, to help suppress the virus that was spreading across the country.
Going forward into 2021/2022 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards will move over to LONDIST and conduct ceremonial duties for the up and coming Queens Birthday and the Queens Platinum Jubilee parade, with the opportunity to take some well earnt leave!!
SSgt (SSI) C Grose RAPTC
Taking in the sights of Iraq!
Another in the bag and flying the flag Standing proud on parade in Baghdad OP Shader Remembrance Run