Page 38 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
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pandemic. My thanks are extended to QMSI Andy Halliday (RPOC NW) and QMSI Tracey Hetherington (4X QMSI) for keeping the ship heading in the right direction and always being on hand to offer support and guidance to both myself and the RAPTCIs in the North.
PT is a high priority in 4 Brigade and as such I find myself participating in more structured PT than I have for a long time; under the sound tutelage of SSgt (SSI) Matt Hanson (4 Scots) the Brigade has continued to drive physical training whilst mitigating against COVID 19 and the obvious risks associated with the winter months. We are very much looking forward to preparing for the 1UKXX Bismarck Challenge in Oct 21 and I hope to report success in my next submission.
More to follow....
4 Lancs with the 4 Brigade Sports Trophy
Ihave recently taken over the RAPTCI role for 1 CS Bn REME from WO2 (QMSI) A Stephenson RAPTC who has now completed his full service and has transitioned into the
police force.
Within this annual report the unit have been busy conducting tasks within and outside of the UK. Personnel within the unit have been tasked with Op RESCRIPT which involved working alongside Lancashire resilience forum and Lancashire city council to help in the effort to stop the spread of COVID-19.
The unit has been on separated company tasks over the past 6 months which has seen 4 Coy on EX ASKARI STORM in Kenya and other serving personnel deployed to Cyprus on Op Tosca. The unit have conducted a virtual health fair and an Army Leadership Development Programme (ADLP) for Lance Corporals at Warcop training centre. The Bn is very much looking forward to conducting AT and Sport as soon as policy allows.
SSgt (SSI) N Podmore RAPTC