Page 49 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 49
33 Engr Regt EOD&S Validation Trg
33 Engr Regt (EOD&S Commando training in Lympstone
It has been another busy year for 35 Engr Regt (EOD&S), 33 Eng Regt (EOD&S) and Group Support Unit (GSU) which makes up CBW Station. Whilst maintaining the commitment
to Explosive Ordinance Clearance (EOC) taskings, Op Rescript, and Op Shader, service personnel from all 3 units have deployed on numerous Explosive Ordinance Demolition (EOD) and Search training delivery operations around the world, including training teams to Kenya, Mali, Iraq and Europe.
Like the vast amount of the Army, this was an unsettling and disjointed start of the year for us as a 3-unit station, however this did not stop our personnel from conducting various in-house training and taskings throughout the station. During the ease of the first National Lockdown, there was chance for sub-units to be creative in various Commanding Officer leadership PT and trade training taskings.
Within this year, a newly equipped Strength & Conditioning Suite has been constructed, utilising the skills of the Service Personnel (SP) in the Royal Engineers. The New Carver Barracks Wimbish (CBW) Strength & Conditioning Suite was designed in order to facilitate the implementation of the new Army Physical Training System within CBW. This facility will ensure our SP have adequate PT equipment and workable infrastructure
to maintain our high readiness, ensuring levels of fitness run in line with current PD direction, policy and research.
The project will ensure all 3 units within CBW fully encompass the fundamentals of S&C training and take a holistic approach to physical development. This facility will be a huge asset to the station and external associates. Maj Burgess (QM GSU), SSgt (SSI) Sharpe RAPTC and the Industry Partner, Amey have planned, managed and delivered the project with the outsourcing of materials and management of the infrastructure, ensuring it meets all mandatory H&S guidelines.
Additionally, funding was made available through RC SMI PD to source the
The New CBW S&C Suite
equipment from our regional contractors, Indigo Fitness and Origin. CBW AAPTIs were also fundamental in the planning and development of the project, often giving up personal time to create a workable facility from what was a derelict building. The building will now be at the heart of the Station providing crucial rehabilitation, S&C, Sport, Yoga, Elite Athlete Trg and much more.
We look forward to showcasing the facilities potential with a BAWF event in 2021. We hope all SP within CBW enjoy the benefits it will bring, both in physical health and mental wellbeing. After what has been an unsettling period for SP.
A2020 refine has seen 35 Engr Regt (EOD&S) gain another SQN, with 35 Engr Regiment now fully reformed under their new name, its addition sees 15 SQN growing and soon to become fully manned. Group Support Unit has also been fully formed and is running well, this newly formed unit supports both regiments and acts as the central spine throughout the station.
Over the next 12 months as a station of 3 Regiments we look forward to combining ideas on how we can move forward in our training, education and mental resilience. This will be done through the implementation of leadership tasks, fitness competitions, Sport,
AT and role specific taskings. Its an exciting time for us in the RAPTC as we face new challenges.
We also look forward to transitioning into the New Non-Ground Close Combat Role Fitness Test Soldier that supersedes the Army Fitness Test in Apr 21.
It is credit to us as a Corps on how we have overcome the pandemic, creating innovative ideas and platforms to keep the Health & Wellbeing of our SP at the forefront of our approach. Being tested as coaches, leaders and mentors, cements our place in the heart of the units we support. I feel that a change is happening especially in unit Fitness and to be a part of that change is rewarding.
33 Engr Regt Commando Cse in Lympstone
SSgt (SSI) C Sharpe RAPTC & SSgt (SSI) J Spence RAPTC
RE Motorcross Championships
AAPTI Spr Russo on Op Rescript
Implementation of Warrior Yoga