Page 53 - CREST MBS RAPTC 105 2021/22
P. 53
East England Ambulance leading training for 16 Med Regt Paramedics 27 Sqn RAF Odiham trialing out new heavy load nets
It’s been a challenging time for all over the past twelve months with the current Global Pandemic and none more so than those at 16 Medical Regiment.
The Regiment finds itself at the spearhead of all COVID related tasks for 16 Air Assault Brigade. The Regiment comprises of two regular Air Assault Medical Surgical Groups, each of which can provide role 2 medical support and resuscitative surgery. In addition to the regular squadrons, an Army Reserve squadron is permanently fixed in support of the Regiment and is a key contributor to the daily battle rhythm.
Currently 16 Medical Regiment is heavily involved with the vaccination operation and this has seen many soldiers deploy geographically all over the world and the United Kingdom, so Merville Barracks has become somewhat of a ghost town in recent weeks. The support element of the Regiment 181 Squadron remains in situ to ensure normal Regimental duties. are covered whilst maintaining high readiness of equipment.
For many medical professionals within the Regiment they find themselves imbedded into civilian organizations working alongside the NHS and all public service counter parts sharing best practice advice whilst for some up-skilling to ensuring we combat the Pandemic united team.
SSgt (SSI) Ward RAPTC final day of Brigade Screening course Catterick
National lockdown restrictions are something that, unfortunately has now become engrained within all our thought processes, when it comes delivering physical training and wider tasks. With Gym facilities temporarily closed, as a RAPTCI I feel empowered to keep people driven and focused on the importance of being fit and active more so now than ever. Utilizing social platforms like STRAVA has allowed the Regiment to continually train as a team. This has been a major success and is now widely used and the numbers of users goes from strength to strength creating a healthy competitive environment, with weekly challenges uploaded to Defense Connect; as well as STRAVA, ‘My Zone’ platform has been integrated with belts distributed to the most vulnerable. So, no matter where soldiers are deployed or working, we can stay connected, competitive and robust without feeling isolated.
Considering so much is going on in the world P-Company remains as important as ever and the demand for Para trained soldiers is still a Regimental requirement. Through careful planning and mentoring of Pegasus PT by LCpl Kelly (Gym 2IC) successful volunteers from the Regiment have continued to go forward onto Brigade Pre-Para and for a few, P-Company.
Unsure of what the future will bring in 2021 I do know 16 Medical Regiment will be ready!
Medic from 16 Med during vaccination clinic