Page 44 - RADC 2023
P. 44

  AMS Hockey Tour
Capt Richard Ackroyd
In the heart of South Africa, a trio of intrepid souls from the Royal Army Dental Corps— Maj Kolanko, Capt Ackroyd, and LCpl Banks—embarked on a singular odyssey
as part of the AMS Hockey Tour. This escapade, weaving through Stellenbosch, Cape Town, and the enchanting Garden Route, transcended mere athletic prowess; it metamorphosed into a tapestry of camaraderie, exploration, and profound reflection.
Their sojourn commenced in Stellenbosch, a town draped in the tapestry of vineyards and historical charm. The teams, nestled amidst vineyards surrounding the tranquil town, found solace before
the impending intensity of the matches.
The choice of starting here wasn’t mere chance; it was a strategic move imbued
with reflective symbolism. The vistas across the Jonkershoek mountains mirrored the challenges awaiting them on the sporting battlegrounds.
Facing adversaries like Milnerton, Durbanville, Maties, and Western Province Hockey Clubs, the RADC athletes didn’t just showcase athletic finesse; they scripted a testament to the unity and indomitable spirit of the team. Each player, a cog in the collective triumph, etched their mark on the field of battle.
Beyond the hockey pitch, the team delved into the cultural terrain, exploring the
Kayamandi Township and the Goedgedacht Trust. These forays offered glimpses
into local communities, underscoring
the lingering urban and rural poverty in South Africa. The tour transcended sport, becoming a conduit for understanding a world beyond our own.
As the expedition wound along the sinuous curves of the Garden Route, the team plunged into the wilderness for
a safari. Amid nature’s grandeur, they witnessed the harmonious ballet of gin
& tonic and dangerous wildlife, drawing parallels between the ferocity of a lioness and their own on-pitch performances. At Cape Agulhas, they stood at the crossroads of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, where the team found themselves at the southernmost tip of Africa.
The culmination in Cape Town marked a shift from serene vineyards to the dynamic city streets—a microcosm of the diverse opponents encountered on the hockey field.
A poignant pilgrimage to Robben Island prison, an icon of the nation’s tumultuous history, etched the weight of the struggle against apartheid into their consciousness. Within the confines that once held Nelson Mandela and other political prisoners, the echoes of the fight for justice reverberated, underscoring the broader significance of the tour.
As the curtain fell on the AMS Hockey Tour, the RADC members returned home not just as skilled athletes but as ambassadors of unity and sportsmanship. Their journey, an amalgamation of triumphs on the field and shared experiences off it, left an indelible legacy of camaraderie, resilience, and a celebration of the indomitable human spirit.
Postscript: A debt of gratitude extends to Maj Caroline Avis and Sgt Lucy Reading for their unwavering dedication in organizing this tour despite numerous setbacks.
    42 RADC BULLETIN 2023

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