Page 15 - Ventura Foods Wellness Champion Toolkit
P. 15

Roles & Responsibilities
HQ Wellness Chair
• Corporate HR position for duration of role
• Provide direct support to HRM/HRC and schedule periodic check in calls
• Communicating guiding principles and key initiatives to HRM/ HRC
• Identify, create and distribute tools and resources to be adapted at the local level
HRM/ HRC Wellness Chair
• Position assigned for duration of HR role
• Coordinate and manage biometric screenings every other year
• Establish an agenda for local committee meetings
• Ensure guiding principles, mission and goals supported through local committee initiatives
• Share relevant information obtained from chair meetings with local wellness committee and with pertinent employees in department/ division (ensure that information trickles down to employee level)
• Distribute all  yers and promotional material for Employee Wellness events and activities to members of wellness committees and to employees in department/ division.
• Oversee the planning and execution of required committee wellness initiatives.
• Work with employee wellness marketing manager or use  yer templates to develop appropriate marketing materials for wellness initiatives
• Recruit members for the local Wellness Committee. The committees should re ect the cultural, educational and occupational diversity of the division/ department that it represents. Three
–  ve members on the committee are recommended
• Liaison between HQ & Local Committee Champions – attend one monthly Chair committee call
• Share ideas/local committee accomplishments during committee Chair meetings
• Schedule and facilitate regular local committee meetings (recommend at least monthly)
Wellness Champion
• 12 month service with option to renew for additional year
• Coordinate with and support the HRM/HRQ Chair
• Identify need, interest and coordinate on-site activities, Ventura Voice testimonials
• Drive enthusiasm for on-site activities/challenges
• Recommend policy and environment changes
• Promote available resources (portal, telephonic coaching, etc)
• Promote annual physical

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