Page 25 - 2020 RRP TB Makeover rulebook
P. 25

Coggins, Health Certificates, and Vaccination Records
The Thoroughbred Makeover and Kentucky Department of Agricul- ture require current (12 months) proof of negative Coggins and health certificate for all horses on the grounds of the Kentucky Horse Park. Health certificates must be issued within 30 days for out-of-state horses and within 12 months for in-state horses.
Proof of vaccination for equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1 or “Rhino”) is also required. Records must reflect vaccine administration at least 14 days and no more than six months prior to arrival at the Kentucky Horse Park. The following are the only forms of accepted vaccination documentation:
1) Bill/receipt with vet practice name, contact info, date, and horse’s name, indicating EHV-1 administration
2) A letter on practice letterhead, signed and dated, certifying administration
3) Name and vaccine type noted by veterinarian on signed health certificate/import documents
Trainers should be prepared to show these documents upon arrival at the Kentucky Horse Park, at check-in, and at any point throughout the event. Horses with insufficient health paperwork will be asked to leave the grounds.
Equipment rules vary by discipline and are consistent with the tradi- tions and practices of those disciplines; however, event officials have the authority at any time to instruct any rider or handler to remove or alter equipment that they deem to be inhumane or create unfair advantage in competition.
The Thoroughbred Makeover is a busy environment with hundreds of green horses. For safety reasons, the RRP requires trainers to observe minimum equipment requirements while handling horses on the grounds of the event:
• Horses must be ridden in a headstall with reins: no riding in halters. Bridleless handling/riding is only allowable during the Freestyle division or during dedicated Freestyle schooling.
• While riding or handling horses, trainers must wear closed toe shoes, preferably with a hard sole and heel.
• Shorts while riding are only allowed if worn with full chaps.
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