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Ottawa Fire Services

          Ottawa  Fire  Services  (OFS)  protects  the  lives,  property  and   Ottawa Fire Services
          environment of the people who live, work and visit the City of
          Ottawa. Service personnel are highly trained to respond to a wide
          variety  of  emergency  and  non-emergency  incidents  including
          fires,  rescues  and  medical  and  hazardous-material  emergencies.
          The department's headquarters is located on Carling Ave.

                                                                             Protecting the Nation's Capital with
           Contents                                                                        pride

           Organization                                                              Agency overview
           History                                                          Established     2001 (OFS), 1839
           Operations                                                                       (Original)
                                                                            Employees       1576
           Fire Stations/Apparatus                                          Staffing        Career/Paid On-
                District 1                                                                  Call
                District 2                                                  Commissioner General Manager
                District 3                                                                  Anthony DiMonte

                District 4                                                  Fire chief      Chief of
                District 5                                                                  Department Kim
                District 6                                                                  Ayotte
                District 7                                                  EMS level       CFR
                District 8                                                       Facilities and equipment
                District 9
                                                                            Battalions      9
           Apparatus Glossary
                                                                            Stations        45
           Support Offices
                                                                            Engines         50
           Notable Incidents
                                                                            Trucks          17
           See also
                                                                            Rescues         6
                                                                            Tenders         18


          Like  most  North  American  fire  departments,  the  Ottawa  Fire  Services  is  organized  in  a  paramilitary
          fashion.  The  current  Chief  of  the  department  is  Kim  Ayotte.  Serving  Under  Ayotte  are  three  Deputy
          Chiefs, four Platoon Chiefs, five Division Chiefs, four Rural Sector Chiefs and twenty District Chiefs. At
          the station level, each urban station has a Captain for each of the four platoons. Each truck in the fleet is
          under the command of either a Captain or Lieutenant. For rural paid-on-call stations, each station has a
          station Captain and four Lieutenants.
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