Page 13 - Domestic Sprinklers Brochure 2021 V1
P. 13
Fire Demo See the sprinkler difference Apartment before fire This is a comparison of a living room fire with and without home fire sprinklers fitted. This is what the living room looked like before the fire testing demo started. Fire without fire sprinklers This is what the apartment looked like after just 5 minutes. 1/1.5 mins: Fire alarm activates. Deadly heat, flames and smoke are not controlled. 2-3 mins: Without fire sprinklers odds of escaping decrease significantly. 3-5 mins: Flashover, no one survives from this. 10 mins: Firefighters hopefully turn on hoses. Fire with fire sprinklers This is what the apartment looked like after just 1 minute 10 seconds. 1/1.5 mins: Fire alarm activates. Fire Sprinkler/s activates. Deadly heat, flames and smoke are controlled. 2-3 mins: Fire sprinklers give you time to escape. 3-5 mins: With fire sprinklers there is no Flashover. 10 mins: Firefighters arrive at a controlled scene. Source: HFSC: Sprinklers are a firefighter in every room 24/7 You never know when or where a fire will start. What if you had a firefighter in every room ready to deal with a fire the minute it starts. 12.