Page 10 - Dallmayr Company Profile
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Pleasure At The Push Of A Button Automatic Good Taste
ffice coffee ust got better ith our coffee vending machines. o no more strug gles ith purchasing and preparing coffee at the orkplace. allmayr vending ma chines area onestop solution to provide you ith the coffee that fuels you. ur star servicing in coffee and tea is the perfect ay to start your day at ork so that you get the desired energy of your team at ork. We are a comprehensive professional coffee supply at orkplaces in the easiest ay possible.
Exactly To Your Taste
noy a customied coffee experience ith ackson ending allmayr. We create coffee and vending machines according to the reuirement consumption levels and the sie of the space. We ensure that our customers enoy the raging espresso from our fully poerful automatic coffee machines hile also munching on healthy snacks and sipping refreshing cold drinks. With us you can be assured of getting orldclass service. ur machines have been developed ith stateoftheart engineering that gives the epitome of performance. We blend modern aesthetics and advanced technology to craft machines that suit todays fastpaced lifestyle. urthermore our team helps you to decide hat ould ork best for you e tailor the best solution that ould benefit you holistically.