Page 16 - TH Assurance Continuous Improvement Activities
P. 16

   East Central Catholic School Division Assurance Framework - Continuous Improvement
 Step Three - Education Plan Design (October-November)
• School admin teams in collaboration with stakeholders will develop strategies and per- formance measures to improve practices focusing on key outcomes under each domain. Each year the division and schools will update education plan outcomes, strategies, and performance measure to support the continuous improvement process.
• School admin teams will review school and division feedback provided through Activi- ties One and Two develop an Education Plan that aligns to the local context of each community and the Division Assurance Framework.
• School admin teams will use the Education Plan templates hosted within Clevr to in- put and update Education Plan data throughout the school year. Finalized Education Plans will be completed prior to the November Division ward presentations.
• Performance metrics will be collected throughout the school year and this information will be used to inform our practices throughout the school year.
• Education Plans will be updated in the spring of each year as a part of the continuous improvement process which will align with the budget, resource, and staffing require- ments for the upcoming school year.
Note: The local performance measure data used to inform practice will vary from year-to- year. Alberta Education performance measures can be located in the yearly Funding Man- ual updates. The school division and schools will reference these local and provincial per- formance measures as a means to inform decision-making concern strategies
deployed to improve learning, teaching and assessment practices.

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