Page 2 - TH Assurance Continuous Improvement Activities
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   East Central Catholic School Division Assurance Framework - Continuous Improvement
Assurance Framework Domains
As previously mentioned; the Assurance Framework is developed collaboratively with education partners, outlines key guiding princi- ples, domains and processes for enhancing public trust and confi- dence that the education system is meeting the needs of students and students are successful.
Assurance in the education system happens when community mem- bers, system stakeholders and education partners engage across five provincially identified domains and our division faith domain which permeates all the we do:
• Quality Catholic Education
• Student Growth and Achievement;
• Teaching and Leading;
• Learning Supports;
• Governance; and
• Local and Societal Context.
A domain is an area of activity where education partners have specif-
ic responsibilities that they are accountable for and provide assurance
about. Fundamentally, assurance is reflected in what the public un-
derstands, perceives and knows about student growth and achieve-
ment, where the quality of the daily interaction between teacher and
student is paramount. Assuring the public that the education system
is successfully supporting student growth and achievement requires engagement and thoughtful action across all six domains.
Our division faith domain permeates all that we do and guides student growth and achievement in alignment with the assurance domain framework taking into account the local societal context of each community throughout the division. Each of the domains highlight but are not limited to key elements or outcomes that describe how each domain.

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