Page 13 - Funding Manual for School Authorities
P. 13

     o Measures assess progress on achieving the outcomes and the effectiveness of the strategies. The measures selected are:
o appropriate to the identified outcomes;
o reflective of what would be seen in the short, medium and
long term to know that progress is being made;
o effective for providing useful data to determine the impact
of strategies and progress toward outcomes; and
o a combination of provincial (required or supplemental) and
locally developed/selected measures.
o Strategies are sets of actions taken to achieve priorities and
outcomes that are based on best evidence/research and
professional judgement.
o School authorities must outline their plan for implementation,
particularly for the upcoming year. This plan addresses how the school authority will put its plan into action. Consider:
o What resources (financial, human, etc.) are needed to implement the strategies;
o Who will be responsible for leading and implementing strategies;
o What professional learning is required; and
o What processes must be established to monitor progress
and make adjustments
o Charter schools are required to incorporate into their education plans their charter goals, outcomes and measures as referred to in the Charter Schools Regulation section 4(a.1) and (b).
 Results Analysis
     • The most recent measure results and analysis, as reflected in the AERR, are used to support and provide a rationale for the priorities/goals, outcomes, and strategies established in the education plan. The connection between the priorities, outcomes, strategies and the results achieved should be clear. In short, there should be a clear connection between the AERR and the subsequent education plan.
School authorities must describe the key insights from their results analysis that are informing their education plan and any adjustments made.
    Strategic Priorities
   • Alberta Education has identified its strategic direction in its 2021-2024 Business Plan
o School authorities should review the Business Plan and identify the strategic priorities. This will provide useful input for the development of their education plan and help ensure there is coherence between provincial and local priorities.
• When a strategic priority requires focused action, it will be identified specifically for planning and/or incorporated into the reporting requirements. School authorities are expected to outline in their education plans:
o The outcomes, measures and strategies that address First Nations, Métis and Inuit student success and ensure all students, teachers and school leaders learn about First Nations, Métis and Inuit perspectives and experiences, treaties, agreements, and the history and legacy of residential schools.
    Funding Manual 2021/22 133 Classification: Public

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